1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by some jokes and stories about mothers. Jim introduced us to his son Steve, from Salt Lake City.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: A big welcome back went out to Bonnie and Bob V.
3. Vice-President: Joan: We have 82 SCRCR members. Joan reported that she visited Joan M. who appears much improved. She then told us a story about the value of time and those near and dear to us.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 40 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of May 3 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury and petty cash is now $1252.65.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Betty: Today: Joan and Paul B. and birthday cake. Next week: Jan P., Kay P. and Gladys P. Kudos to Joan and Paul for the wonderful goodies today!!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Sandy told us that
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: A big welcome back went out to Bonnie and Bob V.
3. Vice-President: Joan: We have 82 SCRCR members. Joan reported that she visited Joan M. who appears much improved. She then told us a story about the value of time and those near and dear to us.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 40 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of May 3 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury and petty cash is now $1252.65.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Betty: Today: Joan and Paul B. and birthday cake. Next week: Jan P., Kay P. and Gladys P. Kudos to Joan and Paul for the wonderful goodies today!!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Sandy told us that
- a.) Joan M. is doing better. Her son is looking into assisted living arrangements for her.
- b.) Bonnie attended the meeting today and she is obviously doing better!
c. Historian: Magda: No new report but she thanked those who brought in tab tops. Magda needs photos from recent events.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 17# of food and a check for $20.00 went to the Food Bank this week.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: Just a reminder to give JoAnn your cell phone number or the number of the place where you are staying if you are traveling.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details and changes.d. Philanthropy: Betty: 17# of food and a check for $20.00 went to the Food Bank this week.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: Just a reminder to give JoAnn your cell phone number or the number of the place where you are staying if you are traveling.
- a) The Mothers’ Day Brunch on May 13 will be at the Bisbee Breakfast Club @ 12:00 PM. So far, only 4 are attending so if anyone else plans on brunch there on Mother’s Day, please contact Jeanne L.
- b.) The AGAM lunch today is at Monkey Business.
- c.) Betty has 8 people signed up for the next Gaslight Theatre performance. If you are interested, please sign up on the sheets provided. The Gaslight Theatre Christmas performance will be on Dec. 4 @ 6:00PM. No ticket price as yet.
- d.) Wyatt Earp Days in Tombstone will be on May 26, leave at 9:00AM.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group):
- a.) Birthday celebrants who were at the meeting today consisted of Larry L., Magda Q. and Shirley M. They all shared very interesting information about themselves. Those who weren’t at the meeting today will get their turn in the future.
- b.) Jim had an announcement about a memorial service at The Unitarian Church on 22nd Street, Thursday, May 17 @ 2:00PM. This is in memory of patients from Odyssey Hospice who have passed away in the past 3 months. This would include Lynn L. and Richard L.
- c.) Bonnie V. thanked all those who prayed for her and sent her cards.
- d.) Vi announced that she is going to be a “grandmother” again as her daughter’s horse is currently about to give birth! lol!
9. Adjournment: Joan: The meeting was adjourned at 10:13AM.
Upcoming SCRCR Events
Wednesdays: TOPS (take-off-pounds-sensibly) group meets weekly at the center at 10:00 AM. Thursdays: Regular SCRCR meeting at 9:00 AM in the center, unless preempted below.
Sun. May 13: Mother’s Day Brunch at The Bisbee Breakfast Club at 12:00 PM. Contact Jeanne if you plan on going.
Sun. May 20: SASO Concert @ St. Andrews. Contact Dennis F. for more information.
Sat. May 26: Wyatt Earp Days in Tombstone. Car pool @ 9:00AM.
Wed. May 30: Harvest Restaurant @ 5:00 PM. Car pool @ 4:30PM.
Wed. June 6: Kartschner Caverns. Details TBD.
Fri. June 8: Casino.
Mon. June 11: The Gallery for lunch. Car pool @ 11:20AM. Lunch@ 12:00PM.
Thurs. June 14: Birthdays.
Sun. June 17: Father’s Day Brunch at Bisbee Breakfast Club. Car pool @ 11:30AM. Brunch @ 12:00PM.
Fri. June 22: International Wildlife Museum. Car pool @ 11:00AM. Lunch at Mosaic Café @ 11:30AM. Museum @ 1:00PM
Hiking: On hold until further notice. AGAM Lunches: Thursdays following games and meeting. 12:15 PM at local restaurants. Adjourn for Games: Please help with stacking of chairs and tables before leaving. Thank you!
Wednesdays: TOPS (take-off-pounds-sensibly) group meets weekly at the center at 10:00 AM. Thursdays: Regular SCRCR meeting at 9:00 AM in the center, unless preempted below.
Sun. May 13: Mother’s Day Brunch at The Bisbee Breakfast Club at 12:00 PM. Contact Jeanne if you plan on going.
Sun. May 20: SASO Concert @ St. Andrews. Contact Dennis F. for more information.
Sat. May 26: Wyatt Earp Days in Tombstone. Car pool @ 9:00AM.
Wed. May 30: Harvest Restaurant @ 5:00 PM. Car pool @ 4:30PM.
Wed. June 6: Kartschner Caverns. Details TBD.
Fri. June 8: Casino.
Mon. June 11: The Gallery for lunch. Car pool @ 11:20AM. Lunch@ 12:00PM.
Thurs. June 14: Birthdays.
Sun. June 17: Father’s Day Brunch at Bisbee Breakfast Club. Car pool @ 11:30AM. Brunch @ 12:00PM.
Fri. June 22: International Wildlife Museum. Car pool @ 11:00AM. Lunch at Mosaic Café @ 11:30AM. Museum @ 1:00PM
Hiking: On hold until further notice. AGAM Lunches: Thursdays following games and meeting. 12:15 PM at local restaurants. Adjourn for Games: Please help with stacking of chairs and tables before leaving. Thank you!