Thursday, February 9, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 9, 2012

1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes followed. Cloice S. from Sunflower gave us an invitation to their Palm Springs Trip Mar.22- Mar.25, 2012. Cost is $805.00 per couple and $650 for single. Deadline for signing up is Feb. 15th. For more information she can be contacted at 520-906-9720.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: Yvonne C. and Julia B. attended today and shared some personal information. They may join the SCRCR!
3. Vice-President: Joan: We now have 88 members. Joan shared a cute story with the group.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 46 members attended today. Last week’s minutes were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is currently at $1468.18. Member dues need to be paid.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Jorge, Arnie and Birthday cake. Next week: Dennis, Alice and Joyce.
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Richard L. is back at NW Medical Center and apparently he will be transferred to Odyssey Hospice for the time being. No further details as yet.
c. Historian: Magda: no report. She shared with new members her feelings about the closeness of this group.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 24# of food went to the Food Bank this past week. Remember donations! Dick J. announced that the food bank needs peanut butter. Linda A. reminded us to save water bottle caps as she is collecting them.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details.
a.) The Wagon Ride event is actually inside the Colossal Cave Park so there is a $5.00 parking fee.
b.) Mar. 1st is senior day at the Reid Park Zoo. Meet at the Community Center @ 9:00AM. You are on your own for lunch while there. SCRCR meeting will be canceled that day.
c.) Cost for the Biosphere is $20.00.
d.) The outing to Maynard’s restaurant and market place has been moved to Mar. 24th.
e.) Joyce has been unsuccessful at getting a response from Rosemont Copper mine re a tour there. If anyone else wants to try or knows of a better way (besides e-mail) to contact them, please contact Joyce, or just give it a try.
f.) Betty announced that she has tickets for the Blues Brothers @ the Gaslight Theatre on Mon., Apr. 9th. If interested, please give her a call.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Hikers had a wet and cold hike at Parker Canyon Lake yesterday but ended up enjoying themselves at the winery afterward. 15 people took part in that hike! Next week the hikers will venture off to Golden Gate Loop.
b.) A thank you went out to Richard R. who handled the Super Bowl arrangements, including the betting pool. Colette cleaned up pretty well on that pool, by the way!
c.) A big round of applause was given to Tony and Sandy P. on this, their 54th Wedding Anniversary. Tony was in attendance at the meeting but Sandy was slaving away in the kitchen (WHAT?).
d.) As yet there is no definitive news about funeral/memorial arrangements for Lynn L. Gladys will keep us updated as soon as she hears something.
e.) Dick J. is in the process of working with the mayors of Marana and Tucson to make the area a welcoming one for military veterans and to encourage military reunions. Stores/businesses offering discounts to veterans is in the works. He is also working with the Convention Bureau. We encourage Dick to keep us posted as to the success of his efforts.
9. Adjournment: Jim: Adjourned the meeting at 10:20 AM.
===================== ACTIVITIES ========================
Feb. 15, Wed.: Wagon Steak Ride. Car Pool At 3:30 PM Ride starts at 5:00 PM.
Feb. 22, Wed.: Gaslight Theatre – Two Amigos @ 7:00PM. Dinner @ Olive Garden @ 5:00 PM Car pool 4:00 PM.
Feb. 27, Mon.: Biosphere for 11:00 AM tour. Carpool @ 10:00 AM. Lunch to follow at Oracle Inn.
Mar. 1, Thurs.: Senior Day at Reid Park Zoo – SCRCR meeting canceled. Leave Community center @ 8:30 AM.
Mar. 6, Tues.: Opa Greek Restaurant Lunch @ 1:00 PM. Car Pool @ 12:30 PM.
Mar. 8, Thurs.: Birthdays
Mar. 9, Fri.: Casino
Mar. 15, Thurs.: St. Patrick’s Day brunch at Community Center.
Mar. 17, Sat.: Thunder Canyon Dinner @ 5:00PM. Car Pool @ 4:30 PM.
Mar.19, Mon.: DeGrazia Gallery tour@ 10:30 AM. Car Pool @10:00AM. Lunch to follow at Vito and Schlomo’s
Mar. 24, Sat.: Maynard’s Restaurant and Market Place @ 10:00 AM.
Mar. 29, Thurs.: Carrabbas for Dinner @ 5:30 PM Car Pool @ 5:00 PM.
Apr. 3, Tues.: Queen Creek Olive Mill tour @ 11:30 AM with lunch to follow @ 12:00PM. Car Pool @ 9:30 AM
Apr. 11, Wed.: Gaslight Theatre @ 7:00 PM. Dinner @ B.J.’s Brewhouse @ 5:00PM Car Pool @ 4:00 PM.
Apr. 15, Sun.: Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra performance @ 3:00PM. More details TBD.
Apr.19, Thurs.: Tucson Botanical Gardens Butterfly exhibit. Details TBD.
Apr. 25,Wed: Bubb’s Grub – Dinner Details TBD.
May 26, Sat.: Wyatt Earp Days in Tombstone. Details TBD.