1. Call to Order: Jim: Opened the meeting @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance and then
proceeded to tell jokes about Superman, dress size, and others.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice & Dennis: Gordon & La Neta P. have joined the club.
3. Vice-President: Joan absent.
4. Secretary: Jeanne absent, Lew recording: The minutes of Dec.15, 2011 were approved and
accepted. 37 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: a) Had to pay the Elks Cub $67.36 for extra seating.
b) Brief summary of 2011 major expenditures out of a total of $965: Cakes $348; Postage
$170; Supplies $395; DJ atparty $250; Meals $648.
The total in the treasury is currently at $429.76.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty: Today: Linda & Jim with Carol. Betty asked us to check a list of suppliers that she had placed on the table beside the coffee pots.
Let her know of any problems.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: (1) Lou M. cardiac problems are a little better. (2) Rich L. is on
oral chemotherapy and is now getting a rash from it. (3) Lynn is home and doing OK.
c) Historian: Magda absent:
d) Philanthropy: Betty: Took 26 lbs of food and $70 cash to the Food Bank. Vi mentioned that
such donations are deductible on income tax forms.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Nothing exciting to report.
7. Activities: Joyce:
a) The tour of Christmas lights was successful although they got lost once!
It will be repeated next year. Thanks were extended to Dick and Sue for the refreshments
after it.
b) Although the last trip to Biosphere-2 was canceled, there is renewed interest in it. Alice
described her trip which was enjoyable but far too strenuous for inactive seniors.
It is 1-1/2 miles long.
c) JoAnn described their hike to Catalina Park (5.2 miles) and announced that the next hike
will be to Wasson Peak. Arrangements will be made for those who don't want the climbing
8. Group Concerns: a.) On January 8th at 6:30 PM a service will be held to remember the
Gabriel Giffords shooting of a year ago. The Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Calexico Band
(her favorite) and many dignitaries will be there, including Mayor Rothschild, Mark
Kelly,etc. An evening service of songs and prayer will be held at Northminster
Presbyterian Church, 2450 E. Ft Lowell; use Campbell St. entrance (no charge, no seats).
b) Sandy thanked us for the collection of box tops.
c) Dick described his trip with Sue to Hawaii for the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.
They had the honor of getting a personally guided tour on the USS Tucson – things and
discipline have changed drastically since the attack.
d) Jim broached the subject of not having a fully-detailed meeting every Thursday and
possibly having an abbreviated one every other week – with food! Vi said it had been tried
before and did not work. It will be discussed later.
e) A 90-minute tour of the Titan-2 missile site was proposed at a cost of $8.50 each – TBD.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:28AM.