Friday, December 2, 2011

Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 1, 2011

1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes followed.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis welcomed a guest, Phyllis, who is Donna S. sister. Joan M. is back with us as is Barbara P!
3. Vice-President:
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Nov. 17, 2011 were approved and accepted. 56 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is currently at $364.66.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Today: Donna and Barbara P. Next week: Don O. and Susan D. and birthday cake. Thank you!
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Carol A. is not feeling well and will be visiting her doctor. Other members have been in touch with her to make sure she is not in need of anything at present. Please contact Linda if you know of any information re the health and well being of any of our members.
c)Historian: Magda: nothing new at present.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 16# of food and a check for $140.00 went to the Food Bank this past week. Betty will be gone for a couple of weeks and Jorge and Bonnie will be in charge of the donations.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Thanks to Linda D. for covering in JoAnn’s absence.
7. Activities: Carol A.: absent.
a.)Sue reminded us of The Messiah performance – please see EVENTS for details.
b.) JoAnn informed us that the next hike will be at Saguaro East which will cover approximately 4 miles. Since there are many diverging trails the hike can be longer for those who desire.
c.) Jim announced that the Activities Committee will have new members for the upcoming year: Joyce G., Tressie S., Dorothy B., Linda D. (and Jeanne L. will fill in as/if needed). Jorge remains our “pinch hitter”.
8. Group Concerns: a.) SCRCR meetings will be canceled on Dec. 22nd and Dec. 29th.
b.) Val is taking pictures of new members for the Who’s Who book after this meeting. Sue suggested that SCRCR pick up any additional costs for this project since Val and Richard have covered the costs so far.
c.) JoAnn reminded us that the Christmas card box is in place for members who want to send cards to other members. No postage involved with this method!
d.) Joyce would like suggestions from SCRCR members for upcoming activities. She will provide cards and suggestions can be turned in to her.
e.) John L. announced the “adopt a family” program is in place. Check at the office for details. He also informed us that the Town of Marana plans to construct a multi-use path along Twin Peaks between Coachline and Safeway. This path will affect the landscape along that area and he is opposed to this. Any action on it is pending. Also, John informed the group of the new tree plantings at Windmill Park to beautify the area and make it shadier and more appealing to those who use the park.
f.) The official flag raising at the site of the new flag pole at the Community Center will take place at 10:00 AM on Dec. 10th.
g.) Walt has the tickets for the SCRCR Christmas Party and they are $24.00 each. Barbara L. will not be able to attend due to Richard’s health.
h.) Dave F. visited us from Sunflower re the upcoming Laughlin trip. He left flyers with information and sign up details. The deadline to contact him is Wed. Dec. 7th.
i.) Dick J. stressed the need to provide toys for the children even if we can’t make it to the Christmas Party. In Dick’s words: “this is Frank’s Christmas and let’s do more!”
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:00AM.