1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim shared with us all a warning about not having personal information on our GPS and cell phone such as spouse’s name with phone number or home number and have them identified as such. Thieves who snag these items can contact spouses through texting and get important information such as PIN numbers and through the GPS they can acquire home addresses, etc.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis welcomed our two new members: Debbie and Lou who are originally from Connecticut.
3. Vice-President:
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Oct. 27, 2011 were approved and accepted. 37 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Our treasury is currently at $573.50. We now have 86 members.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Sue and Dick provided the refreshments today and next week refreshments will be in the capable hands of Bob, Bonnie and Tressie.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: absent No report.
c) Historian: Magda: absent. No report.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the Food Bank this past week. 13 packages were mailed off to military personnel. Since Betty had no APO addresses, she sent the boxes off through her church and no postage was needed. The Food Bank is requesting turkeys this year so if anyone is interested in donating a turkey, it would be much appreciated.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Nothing new this week.
7. Activities: Carol A.: Please check the upcoming events in the agenda.
a.) JoAnn told us that the trip to Sabino Canyon was great.
b.)The Gaslight Theatre tickets are sold out with the exception of one ticket. If anyone wants their name on a waiting list, JoAnn has a signup sheet. Money for the Gaslight Theatre should be made out to Alice B. and given to JoAnn R. and it is due by Nov. 10th. Betty’s church has arrangements to see the program on the following day and she has tickets available.
c.) Yesterday’s hike to Honeybee Canyon went very well. Next week the hikers will venture out to the Wild Burro Trail, near the Ritz Carlton Hotel.
d.) Dick J. can get hockey tickets and if anyone is interested, please contact him. They are $15.00 each.
e.) Don’t forget Betty’s Mesa Swap Meet – she’s leaving at 6 AM!
f.) Check the events for information on the So. Arizona Symphony Orchestra. Tickets can be purchased on site and they are $20.00 each.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim read a letter of resignation from Mike R. who indicates that he will continue to update the blog until someone else is ready to take over and then he will be glad to coach them. We will miss you Mike!
b.) Jim also stated that he has some news about Sunflower’s trip to Laughlin on Jan. 18, 2012. It’s a 3 day trip and the cost is $375.00 per couple or $270.00 per single. More news about that will be forthcoming.
c.) Jeanne had a question about the Christmas dinner/dance. No update as yet but Joan T. will be back next week and we should get more information then.
d.)We still need help with Committees: Activities and Refreshments. Jorge is willing to stand in from time to time. Betty will continue with refreshments but she could use help.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:00AM.