1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. A brain teaser and a great joke followed. Paul B. issued a “thank you “ to all for their well wishes and the fruit basket.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis welcomed back Paul and Joan B. A welcome was also extended to guests Rosemarie, Virgie and Jane B.
3. Vice-President:4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Nov. 10, 2011 were approved and accepted. 48 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: absent.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:a) Refreshments: Today: Rosemary, Eva and Jan P. Next meeting: Dan and Donna and Barbara P. Thank you!
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Paul is back and Linda has had no further calls. Please contact her if you know of any information re the health and well being of any of our members.
c) Historian: Magda: Pictures were taken of several of our members at the meeting today, especially the table of “ boys”!
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 67# of food went to the Food Bank this past week.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: absent. Linda D. is covering for JoAnn in her absence.
7. Activities: Carol A.: Review of the remaining activities for this year.
a.)The remaining AGAM lunches will be as follows: Today @ Jerry Bob’s;
a1.)Dec. 1st @ Monkey Business;
a2.) Dec. 8th @ Culver’s;
a3.)Dec. 15th @ Casa Sanchez.
b.) This Sunday is the SASO concert.
c.) Alice B. is trying to arrange transportation for people attending the Gaslight Theatre performance.
d) Carol visited the Biosphere and says it is much improved. Lunch at Oracle Inn afterwards.
e.) Dick J. has tickets to the Desert Museum which he has generously given to Carol. Each ticket is free and admits 2 people. There are 14 tickets, so 28 people can attend.
f.) Betty has
changed the Casino date in December to Dec. 2nd. g.) Dick announced that the Messiah performance will again be at the Grace of the Nations Church on Dec. 5th @ 7 PM. Admittance is free.
h.) Our guest Virgie announced that the So. AZ. Women’s Chorus will be performing @ Ascension Lutheran Church on Dec. 9th @ 7 PM. Tickets may be purchased through her for $15.00 each and she can be reached at virgcoezony@aol.com or at 520-743-9003. They will also perform on De. 11th at Crowder Hall @ 3 PM.
Val announced that next meeting (Dec. 1st) she will be taking pictures of new members for the SCRCR Who’s Who book. 8. Group Concerns: a.) SCRCR
meetings will be canceled on Dec. 22nd and Dec. 29th. b.) Magda reminded us of the Tour De Tucson event on Saturday. Be sure to avoid Silverbell Rd. that day.
c.) Joan T. gave an update on the Dec. 14th Christmas party at 5PM. Cost will be $24.00 each. The menu will consist of Chicken Marsala; Pasta with Primavera sauce; Vegetable salad; breads and pumpkin cheesecake. Remember to brings gifts/toys for the children (including middle school age children), which should be in the $15.00 price range and unwrapped. There will only be a couple of door prizes this year.
d.)Jorge reported on a great hike yesterday.
No hikes for the next two weeks.
e.) Jim reminded us of
the need for people on the upcoming year’s activities committee and Jeanne reinforced this need.
f.) Dennis gave us a wonderful introduction to SASO, explaining things that were probably new to most of us. This was followed with a demonstration which should be encouragement enough for all of us to
attend the performance this Sunday!!! Thank you Dennis!!
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:27AM.