1. Call to Order : Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. Lew started the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim
and Linda will be away at Lake Powell next week.
2. Host/Hostess : Dennis and Alice: Joan T’s granddaughter was introduced. Welcomed back
were Janet, Ruth C., and Dottie, Mary Jensen’s daughter.
3. Vice-President : Frank absent. We have 85 members.
4. Secretary : Jeanne: June 30 minutes were accepted as presented. 36 members attended today.
5. Treasurer : Walt: reported that the total in the treasury is $833.43. Membership fees for the rest
of year 2011 are now due. Walt read a Jeffersonian summary of that President’s achievements.
6. Coordinators’ Reports :
a) Refreshments : Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Lew & Agnes with Don O.
Next week refreshments will be provided by Sandy & Tony (birthday cake will be there too).
b) Sunshine : Linda D: a) Frank had to return to NMC for a blood transfusion. He is in room 332.
b) Linda A. and Agnes were absent, both being unwell.
c) Historian : Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy : Betty: Reminded us of donating to the Food Bank and collecting coupons, etc.
She will find a place for anything suitable that you wish to donate to the Military and/or other
e) Busybody : JoAnn: Remember to call or e-mail JoAnn if you will be gone for any length of
7. Activities : Carol A. a.) Carol reported that 22 had a good meal at The Native New Yorker.
b.) 21 went to the Ringling Circus on Saturday; Shirley gave a report on that.
c.) Alice B. distributed
Gaslight theatre tickets. Dinner will be at Macayo’s. She has extra tickets for anyone who would like
to acquire them. d.) 20 people are needed for the lunch at Carrabbas, on Aug. 5th, so please sign up.
e.) The King Tut Exhibit and lecture at the Rialto will cost $9.00 each (actually $10.00 but for every 10
tickets sold there will be a free one, thereby resulting in a net cost of $9.00 each). Parking will be
free. f.) As told previously by Frank: The date for the Christmas party is officially changed to Dec.
14th. We members will be providing the desserts.
8. Group Concerns : a.) Jeanne and Larry’s absence is due to a major break at the street end of
the sewer system to their house. They were to be at a meeting with Town Council to determine
b) Lew received a thank-you note from Val for photos forwarded from Suzette. Val
extends her best wishes to the whole SCRCR group.
9. Adjournment : After a short session, Jim adjourned the meeting at 9:50 AM for potluck