1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed with some entertaining quips. Jim and Linda will be gone for the next two weeks as they will be on a tour of Ireland!
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice were absent. Bonnie and Bob welcomed back Elaine B., Linda A., and Barb H. We had a visitor who is thinking about joining our group: Mary Lou S. who attended today’s meeting with her daughter-in-law.
3. Vice-President: Frank reported that we have 86 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of July 21, 2011 were approved and accepted. A correction needs to be made re the Tumacacori Nat’l Park event. This location is near the Desert Diamond Casino rather than Del Sol. 34 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $833.74. Nine members have not paid dues for this 6 month period as yet.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Jim, Linda and Mary M. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Don, Hilde and Shirley M.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Mary J. is back in hospital with pneumonia but she will be going to Life Care today. Linda will check on the location of Mary’s room. Joan M. took a fall and landed right on her face. (ouch!) She is quite bruised up but her son from Illinois is staying with her and assisting her. Vi and Don are doing well but they had doctors appointments today.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 29# of food went to the Food Bank this past week and coupons were mailed. Betty also read a thank you letter from a member of the Air Force expressing how much the written letters to the troops means to them. Betty and Bo are involved in this venture through their church group ”Faith in Action” and if anyone is interested in taking part in this, contact Bo. You may opt to write to an individual soldier or write in general and the letter will be distributed. No envelope or postage required. Gladys also mentioned that her son reported that donations to the military should consist primarily of personal hygiene products. These are the items that they need the most.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: JoAnn thanked Gladys for covering for her while they were gone.
7. Activities: Carol A. a.) The AGAM luncheon today will be at New Town Asian Buffet.
b.) Jorge reported that 6 people attended the Pima Air and Space Museum. Walt gave details on the excursion and it appears that those who attended really enjoyed it!
c.) Please check the agenda for other upcoming outings.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim explained how the military personnel use shaving cream and Silly String in tactics – very interesting.
b.) Jeanne wanted to know if SCRCR still has the capacity for members who do not live in Continental Ranch, so that we may accommodate Mike R. to continue as a member if he so desires. Walt assured us that this is possible. We all want you to stay on, Mike!
c.) JoAnn brought up the issue of the memorial plaque for deceased SCRCR members because the current one is filling up, sadly. Everyone agreed that Charles Iverson’s name should be added. Walt will check into price and availability of another plaque to match the one we currently have.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:02 AM.
note: photo copied from http://flagstaffphoto.blogspot.com/