1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:03 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance and then shared a really good joke.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: Two guests were introduced: Nancy M and Su-Linn . They each introduced themselves and shared some personal information.
3. Vice-President: Frank: We now have 85 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Mar. 24th were approved and accepted. 37 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $1219.89.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Elaine and Val: Refreshments today were provided by Jim, Linda and Edna. Joan and Frank will be taking care of refreshments next week plus one more member yet to be notified.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Joan M. attended today and is doing well after her medical procedure on her throat. Iris Jennings is doing well after hip surgery but is also recovering from pneumonia. Magda’s husband, Armando is still in quite a bit of pain from shingles.
c) Historian: Magda: No new information.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 40# of food went to the Food Bank last week. Donations for the military and any addresses you may have are needed by the end of April.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: absent.
7. Activities: Carol A. The new agenda for activities was distributed today and Carol gave a rundown of the upcoming events for April. Please check the agenda. Carol thanked Alice B. for typing up the new agenda. There are now 20 people signed up for the Gaslight Theatre event on Apr. 20th. The performance at the Arizona Theatre on Apr. 22nd is The Mystery of Irma Beck. 8 people are needed for a group rate for that event and the theater is located at 330 S. Scott.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Walt reported on next week’s hike, in place of JoAnn: the group will be going to Golden Gate Loop Trail which will be 6.6 miles round trip with a moderate elevation gain. Be at the community center at 8 AM. Jorge reported on this past Wednesday’s hike at Picacho Peak. Very few attended so he and Jim went to the top and it was extremely rough.
b.) Val gave Jim a sample of the new SCRCR Who’s Who album, which was shown to the group and everyone seemed pleased with the results. The purpose of this album is so that members can connect names and faces.
c.) Jim reported that he will be gone next week, so Frank will take over in his place.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 9:29 AM.