1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes and stories followed.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: A new guest was introduced – Joan McGettigan (sp?) who shared some personal information about herself and her family. She received a warm welcome.
3. Vice-President: Frank: We now have 78 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Feb. 3rd were amended to indicate that the big winner of the football pool was Bonnie, rather than Betty and Bo. The minutes were then approved and accepted. 40 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $1172.32.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Elaine and Val: Refreshments today were provided by Betty, Bo and Elaine. Next week, refreshments will be in the capable hands of Linda, John and Alice B.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Carol A. is having surgery on her hand. Don V. has pneumonia but is at home. Vi is having some medical tests. Mary J will probably not be able to return to The Fountains as she is having some problems caring for herself. Agnes is on antibiotics pursuant to a nasty infection. Richard R. is in hospital with kidney stones.
c) Historian: Magda: No new reports today.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 45# of food and a $20.00 check went to the Food Bank. Coupons were mailed. Betty announced that the food bank is sponsoring a dinner/dance on Apr.8th from 6:00-10:00 PM at the Heritage Highlands Clubhouse. 1960’s music will be featured and the tickets are $35.00. For more information, please contact Betty. Remember the donation jars!
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Please contact JoAnn if you will be gone for any length of time.
7. Activities: Carol A.: Joan T. covered for Carol in her absence. No change in any of the activities. Please check the agenda.
For the picnic at Christopher Columbus Park, please bring your own chairs.
Alice B. has not yet received tickets for the Gaslight Theatre, but they should be here soon. She will distribute them next week.
The upcoming activities schedule for next quarter will be out soon.
8. Group Concerns:
a.) 6 people hiked yesterday and the hike again was divided into 2 parts. Next week the hike will be to Bear Canyon Seven Falls. JoAnn will send out e-mails re the details of this hike.
b.) At Frank’s suggestion a big thanks went to John and Nancy L. for the great new chairs!
c.) Magda encouraged people to attend the upcoming events in our community, such as the Rodeo and the golf tournament.
d.) Dick J. and Jim A. reported on the flag project. This project was accepted at the HOA work session and it now goes on the consent agenda tonight. Dick added some thoughts he has re the details and money raisers for this project. Right now it looks like this will cost about $3,000 to $5,000. The project will most likely not be complete until July 4th.
e.) Jeanne mentioned that our “group identification” album needs a name. She and Val thought that “SCRCR Who’s Who” might be appropriate. The members all seemed to agree. Walt shared that Val and Richard were offered some assistance to help defray the costs involved in creating this album, but, to date, they have not accepted any monetary assistance.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:10AM