Friday, April 16, 2010

Minutes of Meeting 15 April, 2010

1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam was absent and V.P. Frank Triumph called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte welcomed back Kay P., Al L. and Joan M.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Apr. 8th were accepted and approved. 36 members were in attendance today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt was absent, but gave the treasurer’s report to Joann: Total money available to us at present is $719.88. The memorial plaque will be available next week.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Richard and Barbara L. and also Walt and Joann. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Bob and Bonnie, as well as Mary Taylor and Suzette Stein.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Ed Dubsky is doing well. Mary Jensen is at Life Center and she sounds like she is doing well. Agnes is doing okay and will be seeing the doctor today.
6.3 Historian: Magda: Magda was absent today. Pictures were submitted from yesterday’s hike at Camino del Cerro.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the food bank this past week. Boxes for Armed Forces members are filling up and will go out on the last Thursday of April. Make sure Betty has addresses. She reminded us to be generous with the contributions such as coupons and money in the jars placed for these purposes.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Have Gladys’ phone number handy or in cell phones so that if there is an emergency, she can be reached and make the necessary contacts. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228. Gladys does not contact people herself. If you have information, please contact her. Edna will be gone for a while and Gladys has her information.
6.6 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. Alice reminded us to attend the YMCA open house on Apr. 25th. Tickets for the Gaslight Theater have been distributed. She is collecting money for the Big Band Express and also reminded us of dinner at Nana’s Kitchen on May 5th and the winery tour on June 7th. Barbara informed us that if at least 10 people attend the winery tour we will have a private tour, wine tasting and lunch. We can then stop at another winery on the way home, if desired. Nothing new on the Mother’s Day celebration - TBD next week. Dick J. shared that he saw The Sheik at the Gaslight Theater and highly recommends it.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Joann announced that next week’s hike will be at Pima Canyon and the start time will be earlier. Plan to carpool at 8:00 AM.
b.) Edna thanked everyone who helped at Frank Kell’s memorial service.
c.) Sandy shared that the Osprey Marine memorial service at Marana Municipal Airport was outstanding!
d.) Bo thanked all who attended his birthday party. He was very surprised. He also requested any cooking pots that can be spared as a donation to his church’s scout troop.
e.) Mike R. attended a hearing seminar at the U of A and recommends them highly. A local group called Aloha on Ft. Lowell has hearing devices and you can look them over.
f.) John D. had his house painted and is very pleased. If anyone wants information about the painter who did the job, contact him.
Adjournment: Frank adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.