1. Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim announced that the meeting’s discussion would go directly to the by laws issue. The proposed revision in by laws was discussed and no changes were made. Edna moved that the by laws be accepted and this motion was seconded and carried. (No nays). Next, the issue of duties of the officers and coordinators was discussed. Minor issues were clarified and no changes were made to the proposed duties. Edna moved that the duties of officers and coordinators be accepted. This motion was seconded and carried. (No nays).
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte had no new guests to introduce.
3. Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Mar. 11th were approved. 33 members were in attendance today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Total money available to us at present is $756.88. Walt also shared with us that Joann fell and fractured her wrist during yesterday’s hike.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Gladys Pope, Tony and Sandy Padilla. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Jan Pekelder, Lew and Agnes MacDonald.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Ruth L is still at La Canada. Linda will try to follow up on her condition. Al L’Heureux is almost finished with the facial surgery he is undergoing.
6.3 Magda : Requests pictures from recent outings.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty was absent and Gladys reminded us of the fact that boxes for Armed Forces members will go out on the last Thursday of April. Make sure Betty has addresses and she will bring a list of the most needed items.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Have Gladys’ phone number handy or in cell phones so that if there is an emergency, she can be reached and make the necessary contacts. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228.
6.6 Activities: Alice reported that there was a good turnout for the St. Patrick’s Day luncheon at the brewery. We now have the required number of members signed up for Carrabba’s Restaurant on Tues. Mar. 30th. Sign- up sheets are available for other activities.
6.7 Group Concerns:
a.) Walt reported, in Joann’s absence, that 5 people hiked yesterday at Saguaro East.
b.) Gladys commented on the great pizza which can be grilled outside, from Papa Murphy’s. Frank also contributed that the staff at Papa Murphy’s is ready to bring more samples for us when we indicate that we are interested.
c.) Carol announced that Ed Dubsky would like to have a picnic before his next surgery. The plan is to have it at Columbus Park on Fri. Mar. 26th at 10:00 AM. at Ramada #3. Ed will furnish hot dogs and the rest will be pot luck. Games to follow.
d.) Joan T. reminded us that Saturday, Mar. 20th is Heritage Day for Marana. Starting at 9:00AM there will be a parade, car show, town history exhibit and games for children. This takes place at Marana Middle School.
7. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @10:20 AM.