1. Call to Order: Outgoing president Joan Travis-Triumph called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. And led the Pledge of Allegiance. Approximately 50 people were in attendance. Shortly after Joan gave a talk about the pros and cons of growing older. This was followed by the installation of new officers.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte introduced a new member, Adria Lowery as well as guests attending. Linda Payette is a new resident to CR from New Mexico, as of just before Christmas. Bill and Betty Brooks were guests of Jim and Linda Alam. Charles Iverson is back with us for a couple of months. We also welcomed the return of Donna St. John.
3. Vice-President: Frank Triumph commented on the possibility of having several new members and reported that the current membership numbers 75.
4. Secretary: Minutes of the last meeting were accepted by Betty Bolin and seconded by the group. Last meeting’s minutes were taken by outgoing secretary Lew MacDonald and this meeting’s minutes were taken by new secretary, Jeanne Lemieux
5. Treasurer: Walt: The financial report will be held off until next week’s meeting. At present the status is $402.18 plus $22.03 in cash, giving SCRCR a total of $424.21. 6. Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were provided by Carol Altman and Jorge Anda. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Jim and Linda Alam and Edna Coburn. It was pointed out that in addition to writing articles for the Windmill re SCRCR, Edna also provides us with the monthly birthday cakes for our members.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda had no new reports for the Sunshine committee; however, her husband John is still recuperating. 6.3 Historian: Magda was absent but the SCRCR albums were again on display at the center. 6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 16 pounds of food and approximately $200.00 were delivered to the Marana Food Bank. Eyeglasses and cell phones were given to the Lion’s Club. She reminded members not to forget the other charities. 6.5 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events.
7. Group Concerns
a.) Members of the Lion’s Club were present: Carl Johanssen and Jim Brotherton from district 21B. They explained the background and mission objectives of the Lion’s Club; handed out brochures with additional information; talked about services they provide and, in general encouraged SCRCR to form another club here in Marana. So far, the closest one is in Oro Valley.
b.) Betty reminded the group that casino day is tomorrow and not the 15th. Casino day is always the second Friday of the month.
c.) Edna asked for clarification on the restaurant we are attending for lunch on Jan.28th. It is the New Asian Buffet and not the New China Buffet.
d.) Joann commented that 12 people hiked yesterday. Next week’s hike will be at Catalina State Park if it is still open This is not a difficult hike but it is approximately 5.2 miles.
e.) Jim brought up the issue of Mother’s Day usually being celebrated at Picacho Peak and if the state parks are closed, we need to be thinking of alternative locations.
f.) Bo reminded everyone of the Saturday monthly breakfast at the church of the Desert Sun. Also, Bo wanted us to remember Blankets for the homeless.
g.) Joann told us that all Christmas cards had been passed out with the exception of those to Mike Rebro.
h.) Carol Altman volunteered to handle the football pool for Super Bowl.
i.) January birthdays were celebrated with another great cake created by Edna! 8. Adjournment: Jim wrapped up the meeting with a story about a small boy’s ideas of the philosophy of life in relation to the life –style of his dog.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am.