1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:32 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Forty people were present.
2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Joan T. was welcomed back.
3. Vice-President: Jim: A new roster of seventy-three members was issued. Jim commented that he had joined the hiking group yesterday and commended JoAnne on her prowess.
4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $1,160.41; Cash: $20.03; Total: $1,180.44. He mentioned that only fifty-one members or guests had signed up for the Christmas party.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Joan M. and Barbara B. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)
6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Ruth is still in NMC suffering from a stroke. Linda said that she was aware of things but her mind wandered at times. Jim had visited her. It is not known whether she will return to the Fountains or go to a fuller-care facility. Please call if you hear of any health issues.
6.3 Historian: Magda. Is arranging for an SCRCR album-viewing session at a future meeting.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Delivered twenty-five pounds of food and $105 to the food bank. She reminded us to bring the small education labels from food packaged – CUT! ….. (b) Linda D. told us that one of her grandsons had received some of our goods and was very appreciative of them. Betty reiterated that the son of Hal Fritz, a former SCRCR member, had got a parcel just as their tooth care supplies had run out.
6.5 Activities: Alice B.: Issued a new activities sheet. Joan T. announced that the cancellation of the December 10th meeting was rescinded and we would meet on that day. Members were asked to bring a small plate of goodies to share. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.
7. Group Concerns: (a) JoAnn has provided a box for Christmas cards. If you want to send cards to members without the cost of stamps, drop them in the box and they will be distributed after the party. It is filling nicely. ….. (b) In lieu of the projected small attendance at the party, there was some discussion about the future of such events. Costs per person for catered parties less than sixty become quite high and Joan T. urged members, who are not going, to consider revising their decisions. Transportation is available for those who do not wish to drive. Guests are always welcome and some consideration was made to invite people from Sunflower. Final arrangements must be made by Saturday for the caterer to know how many to set up for. Call Walt or Alice B to book a place. ….. (c) Sandy said that she would be glad to contribute to the party fund, to make up part of the required amount and intimated that many others would probably also do so. ….. (d) Betty informed us that she had a call from the baseball group, inquiring about our annual spring training outing to the ball park. ….. (e) Linda A. asked for volunteers to help her with the filing at Windmill – more files had been found! ….. (f) Agnes pointed out a misprint re our dates in the Windmill magazine. ….. (g) Frank requested the loan of large round tablecloths for the party; the Elks charge $5 per table; many were volunteered. ….. (h) Magda related a nice experience that she had with a group of foreign (Italian?) soldiers; they were impressed that she had greeted them kindly. ….. (i) John L. advised us that the YMCA were willing to set up events locally, such as aerobatic swimming, Silver Slippers, etc. Let the board know so arrangements can be made.
8. Adjournment: 10:20 a.m.