Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. She led the Pledge of Allegiance and read a letter from a Chaplain in Iraq regarding the National Anthem. Forty five people were present.
Introductions: Colette welcomed new members John and Nancy Lambert and welcomed back Joan Marchese and Mary Jensen. We had a request from a member of Marana High School PTO requesting volunteers to help tutor the older children 2:30-3:30. A sign up sheet was left.
Membership: Vice President Jim Alam reported that we have 71 paid members.
Minutes, Last Meeting: Minutes prepared by Lew MacDonald were accepted as printed.
Treasurer: Walt Ross reported $783.41 in checking and $2.35 in cash for a total of $785.76. Walt announced we have 17 paid reservations for the Christmas party.
Refreshments: Linda A reported that refreshments were provided by Lily and Jim and Linda Alam.
Sunshine: Linda D told the group that Edna's sister passed away. Joan M. had fallen at the post office, but is recovering after a trip to the ER.
Philanthropy: Betty delivered 33 pounds of food and $60.00 in checks to the Marana Food Bank. She mentioned that the food bank has a freezer and can hold and distribute frozen foods and meats. The food jar money will be turned in to them in Jan.
Activities: Alice reported 22 had signed up for dinner at the White Stallion. Friday is the casino. Next Thursday is lunch at the Golden Corral. Gaslight tickets will be distributed next week. The new activities committee meets next week. Please submit ideas for future outings and lunches.
Group Concerns (old, new business and good of the group): JoAnn announced the Christmas Card box is ready. Cards will be handed out at the Christmas Party or the meeting after. John Lambert alerted us to a group coming around to put your house number on the curb. DO NOT agree and call the office. This is illegal since they do not have a license for that service. Bo Bolin mentioned that Desert Sun Church is having a horseshoe tournament 12/5, and all are invited to participate. Gladys mentioned that a meeting is being held 11/18 regarding the widening of I-10, and it is also the date of the CRCA board meeting. Walt advised us that census takers would be coming around shortly. Be aware that the only information you need to give them is your name and who lives at your address. Ask for identification before responding.
Adjournment: 10:15 a.m.
Minutes, Last Meeting: compiled by JoAnn Ross, Barbara Herron & Joan Travis-Triumph.