1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph: Joan opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-eight people were present. She read grandchildren stories.
2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Collette: Barbara K. and her husband were enrolled as new members.
3. Vice-President: Jim: He had discussed finishing the ramp-painting job at the office but was told to refer it to the facilities committee. He told stories about an Indian named Two-Eagles.
4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as written.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Financial status: Checking: $795, Cash: $27, Total: $822. (No extra-ordinary expense was incurred in the past week.)
6. Coordinators Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Alice & Dennis with Margie. Next week’s are by Jim & Linda with Gladys. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)
6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. Linda spoke with Elaine S. who sounded good; she alternates visits with her two sons. Please call if you hear of any health issues.
6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Betty took no trip to the Food Bank this week. ….. (b) She received a letter of thanks from the school counselor for our gift of classroom supplies. ….. (c) She displayed cards that can be written on and sent to injured military personnel. She mentioned that even expired gift cards would be honored by many institutions, if submitted by the military.
6.4 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.
7. Old and/or New Business: No report.
8. Good of the Group: (a) Joan T. mentioned that three of our cabinets had been opened and SCRCR supplies had been taken. She will report it to the board. ….. (b) Ed A. reiterated his concern about the bump on the road on Coachline; nothing has been done about it. It was suggested that Marana should be informed. ….. (c) Joan M. remarked on a scam that is circulating supposedly for the Boys and Girls Club – they do not solicit such funds. The tax reduction fraud scam was also mentioned briefly. ….. (d) It was observed that the leak in the roof above the light fixture was still dripping and, as a precaution, it was decided not to put the lights on in that room.
9. Adjournment: 9:58 AM.