1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph: Joan opened the meeting at 9:32 AM. and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-seven people were present, including John Lambert. She read a few remarks about avoiding a potential car jacking and related some proverbs by children.
2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Collette: Jim, Eva, and Rosemarie were welcomed back.
3. Vice-President: Jim: Membership is fully paid up. He told some humorous stories.
4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as written.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Financial status: Checking: $748, Cash: $27, Total: $775. (No extra-ordinary expense was incurred in the past week.)
6. Coordinators Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Eva, Rosemarie, and Barbara H. Next week’s will be by Suzette and Mary T. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)
6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Jim has recovered from his pancreas problem. Please call if you hear of any health issues.
6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Betty took no trip to the Food Bank this week. ….. (b) She reminded us to bring books to her or take them to “A Lot of Storage” for their sale on October-3. She said that line-dancing was being conducted at her church.
6.4 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.
7. Old and/or New Business: No report.
8. Good of the Group: (a) John Lambert was present and answered a few questions about the letter of inquiry that Lew had e-mailed to Sarah and SCRCR officers. ….. (b) Magda got a letter thanking SCRCR for the aluminum can tabs which she had collected from us for Ronald McDonald House. We had contributed 40 lbs over nine months; she mentioned that over $15,000 had been raised in this manner. She said that 26 lbs can help one needy family. ….. (c) Walt thanked Lew for his input to Sarah, and subsequent response to her questions. He said that the four concerns in the correspondence had been addressed at last night’s board meeting. #1- John Lambert told us that the Facilities Committee has the handicapped entrances painting in the works. #2- The roof has been repaired but not tested in the rain yet. #3- It was agreed that the cabinet locks could be changed. Walt proposed using hasps and 4-letter combination locks. He offered SCRCR to do the labor and the board will pay for the supplies. #4- The bump in the road has been reported; the main conclusion was that as many of us as possible should phone or e-mail Marana Council --- a squeaky wheel gets more attention! ….. (d) On a related subject, Joan M. complained about a sewer bump and the constant parking of a commercial generator on her road. John L. asked her to call Management. John told us of a meeting at Twin Peaks School on Sep-23 at 7:00 PM regarding parking in general. ….. (e) John L. also thanked all who had attended the board meeting especially Edna for taking the BOD minutes. He mentioned that a landscaping RFP had been sent out. Landscaping is done on a 5-section-weekly schedule, which means that a problem can be ongoing for that length of time. Carol spoke up to say that the current landscapers are the best that we have had to date.
9. Adjournment: 10:05 AM.