1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Forty-two people were present. Joan read “Creative Puns”.
2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Collette: A new member, Lily, was introduced; originally from Greece, she has been in the U.S. for forty-five years. John Lambert, president of our BOD was acknowledged.
3. Vice-President: Jim told a “Touching Story”.
4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were passed as written.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Financial status: Checking: $802, Cash: $22, Total: $824. (No extra-ordinary expenses were incurred.) Walt reminded us that it’s time to pay dues for the half-year.
6. Coordinators Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Lew & Agnes with Lynn. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)
6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Carol reported on Elaine Schwartz’s trip to NMC. She is recovering slowly but painfully. A golf-ball sized obstruction was removed from her bowel. ….. (b) Joan T. reported that Don Brick was recovering slowly from Swine Flu. He is now walking and trying to recover his strength. ….. (c) Joan M. was present and recovered from a recent episode. Please call if you hear of any health issues.
6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Thirty pounds were delivered to the Food Bank. We are still collecting stuff for making up military packages in October. Crystal-Lite, Cool-ade, etc. are much looked forward to. ….. (b) Sandy asked us to collect “Box Tops for Education” which are so marked, also save the labels on Campbell’s cans. ….. (c) Betty reminded us to collect school supplies for our local schools.
6.4 Activities: Alice B. issued a new activities schedule. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.
7. Old and/or New Business: None.
8. Good of the Group: (a) Frank congratulated Betty on the good job she is doing. ….. (b) Alice B. told us that Frank and Joan have decided to, once again, open their house and yard for a picnic brunch for all SCRCR members on the fourth of July. Joan said there would be games and contests. Please sign up so that they know how many to expect. ….. (c) Gladys is going to celebrate her eightieth birthday by having a brunch on 25-July. ….. (d) Ed A. asked about the status of the wheel chair ramps rebuild. John Lambert spoke about priorities. Right now they have a problem getting rid of mold in the Windmill Office, estimated to cost between $20,000 and $40,000. Hopefully, the ramp revision will get the go-ahead by the end of next week. ….. (e) John D. asked if anyone has the center-fold of the Vamos section of the Daily Star that recently displayed an article about the De Grazia museum. ….. (f) John Lambert gave a talk about the finances of the HOA and asked for volunteers to fill committee positions. ….. (g) For the second time this year all celebrants were absent for their birthday celebration.
9. Adjournment: 10:05 AM. It was followed by “Fun Time” as Joan T. announced. On this 15th anniversary, fifteen surviving members were introduced by their joining dates and given red roses. Joan remarked that most of the ladies were in the crafts group. Janet Knebel, Mary Taylor, Margie, and the Steins were absent. The following members were presented: Jul-94, Bonnie & Bob (actually should be August) ….. Sep-94, Betty & Bo ….. Sep-94, Suzanne & Al ….. Mar-95, Agnes & Lew ….. Nov-95, Vi ….. Dec-95, Edna ….. Nov-98, Magda & Armando ….. Dec-98, Peggy. Joan pointed out the number of times and various offices that the MacDonalds had held. Ed thanked Lew for the jobs that he had done.