Tuesday, January 1, 2002


Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events.

A car symbol v indicates a trip; a camera symbol µ means that a photo is available in our album.

2002 Officers: Vi Johnson -- President; Lew MacDonald -- Secretary; Gene Sirak – Treasurer. Coordinators: Betty Bolin – Activities; Suzette Stein & Mary Taylor – Hostesses; Bo Bolin – Philanthropy; Agnes MacDonald – Kitchen; Willie Hubbard -- Sunshine.
01/03/02..... Introduced Nell Romeo, Doris Last, and Joyce Nicolson.
01/07/02..... Michaelangelo's for dinner on a Monday, 26 people went.
01/10/02.....v Movie at Foothills Mall, followed by lunch. Twelve people went.
01/13/02..... Our own Vi Johnson carried the Olympic torch.
01/17/02..... Introduced Fred & Joyce Curran. Voted to buy a 60-cup good coffee maker. A thank-you card from Ted Swiatoweic was read -- Bernice had passed away.
01/24/02..... Mary Jensen continues with back problems. Lew has Valley Fever and pneumonia.
01/31/02..... Mary Jensen was welcomed back after her illness.
02/05/02..... Metropolitan Grill for dinner. Fully booked -- went to their sister restaurant Metro Grill.
02/07/02.....v Tubac Festival trip. 12 went on a beautiful day.
02/14/02..... Eldon displayed nametags and suggested we use them too. So moved and passed. Al L'Heureux to design them.
02/15/02.....v Gem Show trip. Seven went -- not as good as last year.
02/21/02..... (1) Pearl told us that Willie had a cancer in her kidneys. (2) Dan said that he was leaving for Rancho Sahuarito and a motion was passed that we donate him $50. (3) Lew announced that he would be sending copies of minutes to absentees who have e-mail.
02/23/02..... Gaslight Theater and "Trigger Happy".
02/28/02.....v Casino of the Sun and Del Sol trip. 22 went -- no big winners!
03/01/02.....v Mesa swap meet trip. 2 carloads failed to rendezvous but it was enjoyable.
03/06/02..... La Parilla Suiza dinner cancelled. 24 went to Triple-C and the Sons of the Pioneers.
03/07/02.....v Reid Park Zoo Senior's Day. 20 went on a beautiful but cold day.
03/14/02..... Baseball game. 29 of 34 scheduled went. Lots of home runs.
03/21/02..... Anna Sethman was introduced. She took Dan's place. She asked for and got volunteers for an Easter Egg Roll.
03/25/02..... Willie Hubbard died at 2:30 AM. She was one of our club's founders and will be sorely missed.
03/28/02..... We had moments of silence for Willie Hubbard. A motion was then passed that we should give $100 to the Lupus Association in her memory. A second motion passed that we should do something individually for Pearl. Mary Taylor was to coordinate all donations.
03/28/02..... (1) A motion passed that Betty should buy a Bocci Ball set. (2) Another passed motion was that we invest in 100 nametags, not to exceed $150. Al L’Heureux displayed some artistic samples. (3) No one knew where the silkscreen for the shirt logo was. (4) Lew said Margie had told him about a missing 3-ring binder of minutes. No one knew where it was either. (5) Galen announced that he was getting married and returning to Utah. His house was already sold.
04/04/02..... Rose Garden for a Chinese dinner.
04/11/02.....v Laughlin trip for gambling and entertainment. 19 went, Mary Taylor won $1,200.
04/18/02..... Nametags were distributed.
04/25/02.....v Christopher Columbus Park picnic. About 22 went, a good turnout on a nice day. µ
05/02/02..... Don Vosburg was introduced as a member. Helen Cullison took over Bingo gifts from Susan L'Heureux who had done it for several years.
05/03/02..... Hitching Post for dinner -- nine went. Galen Jensen left for Utah. Margie Walp is leaving for Washington.
05/08/02..... Gaslight Theater, 22 went. 15 had dinner at Macayo's.
05/16/02..... Introduced the Moss sisters-in-law and June Snedeker.
05/17/02..... Concert in Windmill Park by MHS bands. 23 members went to the first such event and listened to good music. It was observed that ground had been broken for improvements to the Community Park.
05/23/02.....v Baseball game.
05/30/02..... With 24 members present, moved by Jan Mann and seconded by Suzette Stein, a motion passed unanimously that the results of a study of Continental Ranch bylaws by Al Taylor and his committee should be printed and presented to the club for members' endorsement.
06/01/02..... Mountain View for dinner. 22 went and had good food and service.
06/04/02..... Walt & Joann Ross were introduced, also Luisa Delgado.
06/06/02.....v Foothills Mall for movie and lunch. A small but enjoyable turn out.
06/13/02.....v Casino of the Sun & Del Sol. 21 went in a bus mix-up. Mary was a big winner – again!
06/20/02..... (1) A talk regarding their Hospice was given by Odyssey Healthcare of Tucson. (2) Bonnie Vantrepotte took over kitchen duties from Agnes MacDonald who is having a hip replacement on 22 July.
06/27/02..... Post-wedding lunch reception for Vi and Don Vosberg. All had a good time.
07/04/02..... Bo substituting for Lew as Secretary reported that Lew had to go to ER – pacemaker acting up.
07/08/02..... Tony Roma's for dinner. 18 went and had good hot food and excellent service. It rained - first time since last October!
07/11/02..... Previous guests Mary and Jean Moss joined, as did their husbands. JoAnn & Walt Ross joined.
07/18/02..... Marty Ledvina joined the club. Also introduced were Alba & Norman Peart; they joined at the next meeting.
07/25/02..... Introduced Sandy Padilla. Magda Quiros was welcomed back.
08/01/02..... 32 members present. Sandy and Tony Padilla became members, also Gena and Richard Purcella.
08/06/02..... Metropolitan Grill for Dinner, 21 attended. All enjoyed it.
08/08/02.....v Mt. Lemmon trip (after the big fire) was a mix up after Betty’s van overheated. They (8 people) returned to the Sabino area; the other 4 went on to the top.
08/15/02..... 26 members + 3 guests present. (1) Al L’Heureux is recovering from lesion surgery. (2) Suzette Stein is sick. (3) Connie Morris joined.
08/22/02..... 35 members present. (1) Harley’s Angels at the Gaslight Theater was much appreciated. 23 attended the show and 21 had dinner at Macayo’s. (2) Jan Mann emphasized the importance of voting at the upcoming elections.
08/29/02..... 35 members present. (1) Agnes was welcomed back after her hip operation. (2) Gladys Pope summarized her committee’s efforts regarding the annual Christmas party. Helping Gladys are Mary Jensen, Sandy Padilla, Joan Marchese, JoAnn Ross, Magda Quiros, June Snedeker, and Bo Bolin. (3) Lew moved, Agnes seconded, that $250 be set aside for this effort. Edna moved, Stan seconded, that it be amended to $300. Passed unanimously.
09/12/02..... 28 members present. (1) Acquisition of a larger flag was discussed. Ed suggested keeping the small one for sentimental reasons. Eldon was to look into the matter. (2) Gladys moved and Ed seconded a motion to reimburse Bo for car expenses. It was passed at $50. (3) 12 went to see “Greek Wedding”. 16 went to El Corral. (4) Bo saw his son off for active duty. (5) Ann & Bernie Moore joined.
09/9/02..... 40 members and 4 guests were present for Pearl’s farewell potluck lunch. More people than usual stayed for the lunch. Pearl gave a little speech and we all sang, “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow”.
10/03/02..... 31 members present: (1) Ann Moore is recovering from a very bad ankle fracture. (2) It was decided that we would support the Marana Food Bank instead of finding a needy family. (3) 20 went to dinner at Michaelangelo’s. (4) Don won $1,000 at the Casino and Magda over $600. (5) Kim is leaving CRCA.
10/09/02….. The Gaslight Theater production was hilarious; 17 went.
10/10/02…..v 17 went to the Christopher Columbus picnic and had a good time.
10/17/02….. 37 present. (1) Anna announced that office doors were to be kept locked for safety. (2) Bo reported that he had helped a family with a dying child and asked for donations.
10/24/02…..v Nine went to Kitt Peak.
10/31/02….. 34 present including 3 guests. (1) Carrol and Ed Altman joined. (2) Bo circulated a picture of the dying child that we had been helping. (2) Nominations were accepted for the New Year offices. (3) Proposal to elect a Vice-President was shelved. (4) The good guys for the CRCA committee were elected. Jan Mann and Rich Purcella from our club were among them.
11/21/02….. 35 plus 2 guests present. (1) Lew MacDonald’s resignation as Secretary for health reasons was announced. Edna Coburn took over for the rest of the year. (2) Rudy and Laura Trostman were introduced. (3) Bo gave $150 from our club to the Marana Food Bank. (4) 20 went to Mesa last Friday. (5) It was agreed that we should reinstate the 20 minutes socializing before games commence. (6) Changes to bylaws proposed: a) Include NW Tucson. b) Hospitality is now Sunshine. (7) A. Taylor moved and Bob Vantrepotte seconded that the slate of officers for 2003 should be accepted as is. Passed unanimously. (See the slate in the 2003 timeline).
12/05/02….. 32 plus 1 guest present. (1) Debra & Ernie Krause were introduced. (3) Rudy & Laura Trostman joined. (2) We accepted the Dominguez family as the project for the coming year. Their home had been burnt out. See an article in the album. (3) The Old Tucson trip was canceled – lack of interest.
12/12/02….. Christmas party at the center. Lots of pictures taken, see the album.µ
12/19/02….. 33 present. (1) Joan Beverly resigned. (2) Mary Taylor thanked us for our kindness during her surgery. (3) Goods were donated to the Dominguez family. (4) Gladys reported that 55 attended the Christmas party. (5) Vi Vosburg gave gifts to departing officers; their picture is in the album. She received a much-appreciated (!) book on Bill Clinton.µ