Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events.
A car symbol v indicates a trip; a camera symbol µ means that a photo is available in our album.
1999 Officers: James Mooty -- President; Lew MacDonald -- Secretary; Gene Sirak – Treasurer; Coordinators: Betty Bolin – Activities; Suzette Stein – Hostess; Arline Sieckowski – Sunshine; Pearl Thompson – Philanthropy; Bonnie Vantrepotte – Kitchen.
05/01/99..... Valley of the Moon tour, then dinner at Mountain View Restaurant.
05/13/99.....v Agua Caliente Park picnic lunch. About 15 went. It is a very nice place.
05/15/99..... Revisions to bylaws and job descriptions approved.
05/20/99..... Wheeler Abbett added as member.
06/03/99.....v Madera Canyon.
06/05/99..... Rose Garden for a Chinese dinner. The buffet is better than the table menu.
06/18/99..... Hot Rod Lincoln at the Gaslight Theater.
06/24/99.....v Fort Huachuca and lunch at the officers' mess.
07/08/99.....v Phoenix trip for the whole day. Lunch, shopping, casino.
07/10/99..... El Parador for a Mexican dinner.
07/29/99.....v Mt. Lemmon.
07/30/99..... Agnes MacDonald (ex-Canadian) became an American Citizen after almost two years of effort.
08/07/99..... Le Mediterranean for a continental dinner.
08/26/99.....v Casino of the Sun. Magda and Marlene were winners.
08/29/99..... Party in Lew & Agnes's house for Agnes becoming a citizen. 43 attended. Vi Johnson announced that Agnes would later be presented with an American flag on behalf of the club.
11/15/99..... 23 went to the opera. Only half the members enjoyed it but all said that it was too long!
11/20/99..... After 2-1/2 years service, Betty declined nomination as Activities Coordinator for 2000. Lew also declined, after 4 years service in various offices.
12/09/99..... Vi presented Agnes with a U.S. flag that had been flown over the Capitol, forwarded by Jim Kolbe.
12/11/99..... Christmas dinner and party. Children's gifts worth $10 or less were exchanged. At the end all gifts were collected and donated to needy children such as the "Toys for Tots" drive run by the fire department.