Friday, April 22, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of April 14, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of April 14, 2016
  1. Call to Order: Iles :  In Iles absence, and Larry’s absence, and finally Carol’s absence, Kristi opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a rousing version of God Bless America.  This was a great suggestion by Dorie and one I think we should do every week after the Pledge.  I guess we need to vote on that but I’m all for it.  Dorie also graciously jumped in and took the secretary notes for me as I kinda had my hands full with other “stuff” – a big THANK YOU DORIE!!  (You did so good, you could be secretary next year J) I told a couple of corny jokes and introduced the “birthday kids”, of which we only had two there but that’s okay – more cake for the rest J  Poor Iles missed out on his “corner piece” with extra frosting L
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.:   Still no Susan sad to say but hopefully she will return soon.  Barb has done an outstanding job in welcoming more new members and we will be happy to have them “saddle up” and join us J  We had two new folks this week from Michigan – Dan and Pam.  Also Pedro and his lovely wife returned for the 2nd week (I think we have them “hooked” folksJ).  Barb, as well as all of us, was glad to see that Paul Boch was here after the loss of his dear Joan.  We are here for you Paul.
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.:   No Larry – with Jeanne at Mayo for a check-up (sending prayers).  At the moment we have 107 members with 45 attending today.
  4. Secretary:  Kristi G.:        Minutes approved from last week.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol:  No Carol due to the flu unfortunately.  Get better quick Carol, we miss you J
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:    Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free.  Pastries and fruit are $1.00.
    2. Sunshine:  Sandy P. and Alice K.:  Sandy said that Jeanne was able to sleep through the night for the first time in a long time since her surgery – YIPPEE!!  Nothing like a good night’s sleep right?  Dorothy G. is still gathering her strength back.  It’s a long haul back from pneumonia folks so take good care of yourselves.  Also our dear Susan is working hard to get better too.  Our thoughts and prayers to all.
    3. Historian:  Magda:  No history today but told the new folks about saving the tabs for Ronald McDonald house which we are all anxious to hear how we did this year. 
    4. Philanthropy:  No report.
e.      Busybody:  Elaine H.:  No report.
f.        Activities:  Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Signup sheets for activities are available on the bar.   b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know.
·         Thursday, April 21st:  Our Picnic and talent show at Crossroads Park by the Abbett Library @ Cortaro and Silver Bell.  REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR OWN COFFEE AND CAROL WILL HAPPILY SUPPLY THE DOUGHNUTS! J
·         Monday, April 25th:  Botanical Gardens at 10:00 AM. 
·         Tuesday, April 26th:  Gaslight on Broadway for “The Rise of the Sheik” @ 7:00 PM preceded by supper at Little Anthony’s @ 5:00 PM.  Folks this one is sold out and will be the last one until July.
·         Wednesday, May 4th:  Lunch @ Scordato’s.  Reservations for 20.
·         Saturday, May 7th:  Kentucky Derby Day @ Oldfather Inn @ 4080 Ina Road @ 1:30 to get seats; race begins @ 3:30.  Also there is a crazy hat contest which should be fun.
·         Sunday, May 8th:  Mother’s Day lunch @ Harvest Restaurant @ 10355 N. LaCanada Drive in Oro Valley.  Reservation for 20.
·         Tuesday, May 17th:    Tuesday night Fish Fry @ The Station @ 5:00 PM.  Reservation made for 30.
·         Monday, May 23rd:  International Wildlife Museum, 4800 W. Gates Pass Road.  $7.00 for seniors (62 and older).  Group of 10 or more can arrange for a guided tour for an additional 50 cents per person.
·         Saturday, June 4th:  The Gaslight Music Hall in ORO VALLEY – Lisa Otey and the Desert Divas – 50’s rock and roll and it’s a really great show according to some of our members who have already been to this show and venue.
·         Sunday, June 19th:  Father’s Day lunch @ Harvest maybe – to be determined.

7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group:   Kristi talked about the experience that Rose, Alice, Joyce and she had at the Citizens Police Academy and how informative it was and what great fun it was.  Hoping a lot of you will join the next one that starts in September sometime.  We will give you the exact dates when we get them.  It is sooooo worth it – what an education!!!! 
  1. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Sandy had a great message and a cute joke to end the meeting.
  2. Adjournment:  Kristi ended the meeting at 10:20 AM.

Agenda for SCRCR Meeting of April 21, 2016 – NO AGENDA – PICNIC!!!! J

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of April 7, 2016
1.    Call to Order:   Iles: Iles called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30.  He then turned the mike over to Paul Bach who informed us that his dear wife Joan passed away yesterday.  He invited us to a celebration of her life this coming Sunday.  We then had a couple of moments of silence for Joan as well as our Jeanne who was undergoing surgery this morning.
Iles then introduced Dr. Thai who gave a very informative talk on cardiology and the great ground-breaking strides they are making.  Lots of new and exciting treatments out there for us IF we can get insurance to pay for it!
2.   Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.:  Barb introduced two guests Pedro and Maria and we hope they join us.  Barb also reminded us to love one another as we never know what the next moment will bring.  Good idea Barb!
3.    Vice-President:  Larry L.:  Larry wasn’t here but we have 107 members and 47 attended today.
4.    Secretary:  Kristi G.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
5.    Treasurer:  Carol:  No Carol today so no report but we know the money is safe.
6.    Coordinators’ Reports:
a.    Refreshments:    Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free.  Pastries are still $1.00 each and fruit is $1.00
b.    Sunshine:  Sandy P. and Alice K.:  Sandy says that Susan is improving every day as is Dorothy G., let’s get those prayers working in overtime for all our girls!! Jeanne will need our prayers as well for her complete recovery.
c.     Historian:  Magda:  No report.
d.    Philanthropy:  No report.
e.    Busybody:  Elaine H.:  Elaine just wanted everyone to know she got rid of her house line and only uses her cell phone number which is 520.579.8994.
f.     Activities:  Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Sign-up sheets for activities are available on the bar.   b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know. 

1         Tuesday, April 12th:  Dinner @ Giuseppe’s Italian Restaurant @ 5:30 PM. Giuseppe’s is located @ 6060 North Oracle near Rudisill.  The reservation has been made for 20.
2         Thursday, April 21st:  This will be our picnic/talent show beginning at 9:00 at Crossroads Park which is next to the Abbett Library at Cortaro and Silverbell.  Cheryl Walker is coordinating the talent show for us – thanks Cheryl.  Everyone please bring something to eat or drink to share.  This will be a lot of fun. J 
3         Tuesday, April 26th:  Gaslight – “The Rise of the Sheik” @ 7:00 PM; dinner at Little Anthony’s @ 5:00. Cost $16.00.    PLEASE NOTE – Linda needs the money for this by next Thursday, April 14th.  Also this will be the last one until July.
4         Saturday, May 7th:  Kentucky Derby Day @ Oldfather Inn @ 4080 W. Ina Road.  We need to have someone there at 1:30 to secure tables for us and the race starts at 3:30 PM. There is also a “crazy hat” contest which should be added hilarity.  Reservation made there for 20.
5         Sunday, May 8th:  Mother’s Day lunch @ Tohono Chul Park – time to be determined.  Sign-up sheet
6         Tuesday, May 17th:  We will be starting our every other month “Tuesday Night Fish Fry”.  This way it won’t be as crowded as Friday nights and Amy and Clint have kindly offered to give us the Friday night reduced prices on Tuesdays.  Just another reason we love Amy and Clint!! J
7         Saturday, June 4th:  The Gaslight Music Hall in ORO VALLEY – Lisa Otey and the Desert Divas – 50’s rock and roll and it’s really a great show according to some of our members who have seen it before.
8         Sunday, June 19th:  Father’s Day lunch @ Tohono Chul Park – time to be determined.  Sign-up sheet.
9         Joyce has researched what sounds like a wonderful group trip to Copper Canyon in Mexico.  Cost is $1,575.00 per person which includes EVERYTHING!  Joyce will have a sign-up sheet soon with more information.
7.    Group Concerns/Good of the Group:    Iles wanted to remind everyone that April 20th is National Weed day – most excellent, groovy  J
8.    Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Sandy had a great thought for the day and a cute joke.
9.    Adjournment:   Iles ended the meeting at 10:17 AM.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of March 31, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of March 31, 2016
  1. Call to Order:   Iles: Iles called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am followed by a great joke. 
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.:  Both girls missing today.  Susan still recuperating and Barb had an issue at home.
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.:  Larry wasn’t here but we have 107 members and 45 attended today.
  4. Secretary:  Kristi G.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol:  We have $2,820.00 in the bank.   As Carol put it so succinctly “we’re loaded” J
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:    Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free.  Pastries are still $1.00 each and fruit is $1.00
b.      Sunshine:  Sandy P. and Alice K.:  Sandy says that Susan is improving every day but it’s going to take some time.  We miss you Susan!  Also, Jeanne’s surgery is next Thursday April 7th.  Larry has assured us he will keep us posted on her progress.  Dorothy G. continues to recuperate and is home.  Let’s get those prayers working in overtime for all our girls!!
c.       Historian:  Magda:  No Magda and Armando again today L.
    1. Philanthropy:  John reports that we sent 68 pounds of citrus and other miscellaneous goods to the food bank as well as $11.00.
e.      Busybody:  Elaine H.:  Nothing to report.
f.        Activities:  Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Sign up sheets for activities are available on the bar.   b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know.

·         April 7th:  Dr. Thai from NW Hospital a cardiologist will speak with us.
·         Tuesday, April 12th:  Dinner @ Giuseppe’s Italian Restaurant @ 5:30 PM. Giuseppe’s is located @ 6060 North Oracle near Rudisill.  The reservation has been made for 20.
·         Thursday, April 21st:  This will be our picnic/talent show beginning at 9:30 at Crossroads Park which is next to the Abbett Library at Cortaro and Silverbell.  Cheryl Walker has kindly offered to coordinate the talent show for us – thanks Cheryl “Woo Hoo”.  Everyone please bring a dish to share.  This will be a lot of fun. J 
·         Tuesday, April 26th:  Gaslight – “The Rise of the Sheik” @ 7:00 PM; dinner at Little Anthony’s @ 5:00. Cost $16.00.  See Linda or Bea if you would like to go.
·         Saturday, May 7th:  Kentucky Derby Day @ Oldfather Inn @ 4080 W. Ina Road.  We need to have someone there at 1:30 to secure tables for us and the race starts at 3:30 PM. There is also a “crazy hat” contest which should be added hilarity.  Reservation made there for 20.
·         There is a SIGN UP SHEET for those interested in going to Casino Del Sol for lunch and gambling.  We will need to carpool.
·         Tuesday, May 17th:  We will be starting our every other month “Tuesday Night Fish Fry”.  This way it won’t be as crowded as Friday nights and Amy and Clint have kindly offered to give us the Friday night reduced prices on Tuesdays.  Just another reason we love Amy and Clint!! J
·         Joyce has researched what sounds like a wonderful group trip to Copper Canyon in Mexico.  Cost is $1,575.00 per person which includes EVERYTHING!  Joyce will have a sign-up sheet next week with more information.

7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group:    Colleen asked if anyone would be interested in going to the Gaslight in Oro Valley and there is a lot of interest in that. Colleen will check it out and get back to us with more info.
8.       Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Sandy had a great thought for the day and a cute joke.
  1. Adjournment:   Iles ended the meeting at 10:26.