Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 18, 2014
- Call to Order: Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance, and then again shared some great jokes. Jim also shared a very funny joke!
- Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Welcome back to Margie W. Susan D. let the group know that her surgery was a success – nothing to worry about!
- Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 107 members.
- Secretary: Jeanne L.: Minutes of 12/11/14 were approved and accepted. 40 members attended today.
- Treasurer: Carol: Reported that the total treasury amount is at $332.00. Carol informed us that we received a couple of thank you notes from agencies we have donated to.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each. A tip jar is now available for the staff of the Station.
- Sunshine: Sandy P. a.)Lew M. is doing well. b.)No further information on Betty’s progress after surgery. c.)Stan S. is undergoing heavy doses of chemotherapy and the meds are making him ill. d.) Lily O. has been absent for a couple of weeks but she is fine. It’s the lousy weather that has been keeping her at home. e.) Nancy P. will be taking over this committee next year.
- Historian: Magda: absent.
- Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T: No report today.
- Busybody: JoAnn: If anyone is traveling over the holidays, please be sure that JoAnn has your information. Hiking was rained out this week. JoAnn still has Christmas cards for about 20 people who have not been available. She will bring them back when meetings resume again after the holidays. Sandy reminded us that Gladys collects the front facing pages of Christmas cards to send to St. Jude’s for their projects. Bring these pictures to the next meeting if you don’t want to keep the cards.
- Activities: Joyce: a.) Remember The Cattleman’s CafĂ© for breakfast on the 31th @ 9:00am. b.) Rose M. gave us a rundown of ideas that she has for the upcoming year. Those interested in helping out with this committee should remain after the meeting is adjourned to discuss further ideas. c.) Linda A. will continue the arrangements for the Gaslight theatre and Carol A. will take over arrangements for The Great American Playhouse.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) A remaining Christmas centerpiece was auctioned off today by Jim A. Joyce G. won the auction and the final price of the centerpiece will be donated to the food bank. b) Announcement of the Most Valuable Member will take place at the beginning of the next meeting on Jan. 8th at which time a plaque will be awarded to that member. Installation of officers will take place directly afterward. Jim will handle these events. c.) Celebration of birthdays has been postponed until Jan 15th.
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy closed the meeting with a couple of interesting "thoughts of the day" and she will continue with this through the upcoming year.
- Adjournment: Dorothy: The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 AM.