Sunday, June 29, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 26, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 26, 2014

  1. Call to Order: Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. She also shared some good jokes with us.
  2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: The guests from last week were here again this week.
  3. Vice-President: Dorothy: we have 100 members.
  4. Secretary: Jeanne is covering for Barbara until her return. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted. 41 members attended today.
  5. Treasurer: Carol: The total in the treasury is now at $1220.00. A check for $250.00 was sent to the Marana Food Bank in Don’s memory and this money was taken from the collection raised last week.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine: Sandy P.: 1.) Joan T. is recovering nicely from her ankle surgery. 2.) Sandy had good results on her back x-rays.
    3. Historian: Magda: No new report.
    4. Philanthropy: Jim A: 42 pounds of food went to the Food Bank as well as the $250.00 check from Don’s collection.
    5. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
  7. Activities: Joyce: a.)If anyone is still interested in attending the Gaslight Theatre performance on July 23rd, please contact Alice B. b.) Gladys gave a reminder regarding her birthday party on July 24th and the signup sheet is available. c.) Walt informed us that the Christmas Party signup sheet is available. d.) Joyce made an announcement that the only events which will be scheduled in July and August will be luncheons and dinners since attendance is low during the hot weather.
  8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Carol announced that the remainder of the year’s dues are due in July (for those who paid for 6 months). b.) Magda reminded us to get our flags ready for July 4th.c.) Susan D. announced that the memorial service for Don B. may be a few minutes after 2:00PM due to an activity at the church which lasts until 2:00 PM. d.) Larry L. and Jim A. were both put up for nominations for the office of Vice President. More nominations will be taken next week. e.) Rose M. and Walt R. shared some jokes with the group.
  9. Thought of the Day: Sandy left us with some encouraging as well as humorous thoughts.
  10. Adjournment: Dorothy: The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 AM.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 19, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 19, 2014 
1. Call to Order: Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance. We had a moment of silence in remembrance of our deceased member, Don B. A collection was taken up and per Hilde’s request that money will go to the Marana Food Bank
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: A big welcome back went out to Ed and Elaine. We had two guests today who shared some personal information about themselves.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy: we have 100 members
4. Secretary: Jeanne is covering for Barbara until her return. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.48 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Carol: The total in the treasury is now at $1220.00. A check for $300.00 was sent to the St. Jude’s Children Hospital in memory of Lou M.
6. Coordinators’ Reports: 
a. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Sandy P.: 1.) Sandy read a lovely card from Debbi S. (Lou’s wife). 2.) Joan T. had foot
surgery yesterday.
c. Historian: Magda: Absent.
d. Philanthropy: Jim A: 32 pounds of food went to the Food Bank.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
7. Activities: Joyce: a.)Saturday is the trip to the Planetarium. Please be there on time or you may be left
behind. b.) Signups sheets are out for the Christmas Party and also for Gladys’ birthday celebration. c.) Alice B. reminded us that the next Gaslight Theater performance is on July 23rd and tickets are $15.00 each.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Walt provided us with information about how the Christmas
party would be handled at the Taste of Texas. A show of hands was taken to decide whether to have the
party at Taste of Texas or the Elks and the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of Taste of Texas. The date will be Dec. 9th
and social hour starts at 5:00 PM. b.) Edna reminded us that we need to make a decision on the
office of President. Dorothy agreed to take over that position through the rest of the year. Next week we
will ask for volunteers to take up the position of Vice President.
9. Thought of the Day: Sandy left us with some encouraging as well as humorous thoughts.
10. Adjournment: Dorothy: The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 AM.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 12, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 12, 2014 

1. Call to Order: Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. We had a moment of silence in remembrance of our deceased President, Lou M.

2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: A big welcome back went out to Edna and Janet K. Two guests were greeted: Mimi and Susan D’s husband, Gene who has joined as a new member.

3. Vice-President: Dorothy: we have 100 members. A collection (of $300.00) was taken up for Lou’s wife to do with as she sees fit and which will probably go to St. Jude’s.

4. Secretary: Jeanne is covering for Barbara until her return. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted. 42 members attended today.

5. Treasurer: Carol: The total in the treasury is now at $1280.00. $45.00 is in our coffee fund. A motion was made and passed for $50.00 to be given from our treasury to the Handi-Car Co. for Lily’s transportation to the meetings.

6. Coordinators’ Reports: 
a. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket. Coffee and pastries are 1.00
b. Sunshine: Sandy P.: 1.) Lou M., our beloved President, passed away on June 10th sorely missed! Debbie is doing as well as can be expected. 2.) Edna was present today and she gave
us a run down on her procedure and the results, which seem to be pretty good! She thanked
everyone for their well wishes and prayers. 3.) Susan D. provided an update on Don B. who is not
doing well at present. His six sons will be coming to town and Don will be moved to Hospice. The
family is getting help from Hilde’s sister. 4.) Susan also requested that we keep her granddaughter in
our prayers due to the fact that she is having serious medical issues.

c. Historian: Magda: Absent.

d. Philanthropy: Mike T: 22 pounds of food and a check for $20.00 went to the Food Bank.

e. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.

7. Activities: a.) For those going to the H F Coors Pottery Tour on June 17th, we need to be there by 9:45 AM. A deposit is required so please contact Joyce with any questions about this. b.) Father’s Day luncheon is at Tohono Chul @ 11:00 AM. Men can tour the grounds at no charge that day.

8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Several members shared some pretty funny jokes in memory of

Lou. b.) Barb L. warned us of vandalism going on in her neighborhood. Cars are being broken into and garage door openers stolen. A suspicious item (such as a brief case) was left in one car and the bomb squad had to dispatch it. Keep an eye out!!!! c.) Gladys announced that on July 24th the Elks Club and she will provide a signup sheet rather than individual invitations. Please come and have a fun time!

9. Adjournment: Dorothy: The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 AM.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 5, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of June 5, 2014

  1. Call to Order:   Lou was absent today and Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Host/Hostess:   Barbara L. and Susan D.: no new members or guests today.
  3. Vice-President:  Dorothy:  we have a record breaking 100 members.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne is covering for Barbara until her return. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted. 37 members attended today.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol: The total in the treasury is still at $1296.00.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket.  Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine:  Sandy P.: 1.) Julia S. brought new cards for the Sunshine committee. 2.) Don B. is not feeling too well and he took a fall recently. He has a doctor’s appointment today. Let’s work at keeping calls to their home at a minimum. 3.) Edna is doing well. Her pain has decreased. 4.) Stan is on maintenance therapy every 3 weeks. 5.) Lou M. hasn’t been feeling too well but the doctors say he is okay. 6.) Joan B. is not doing very well with activity due to respiratory problems. Let’s keep everyone in our thoughts and prayers.
    3. Historian:  Magda: Absent.
    4. Philanthropy: Mike T.: absent. Jim reported no trip to the Food Bank this past week – we need more donations so if everyone could bring in one can of grocery item that would be great.
    5. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
  7. Activities: a.) Signup sheets are out and if anyone needs a ride for an activity please call Joyce. G. b.) Our 20th Anniversary Celebration will be postponed to October so that more people will be able to attend. c.) Regarding Father’s Day Brunch: please try to pay with cash since there will be so many individual checks.
  8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group):   a.) In view of more military members coming home, it was decided to donate items/cash to the VAMC instead of mailing boxes of items. b.)  Dorothy will be e-mailing new rosters and birthday lists. c.) Walt brought up the issue of the Christmas Party and if we intend to return to the Taste of Texas we will need to make arrangements soon. Walt will reserve Tuesday, Dec. 9th, just in case. The possibility of using the Elks Club again was mentioned and some pros and cons for both locations were discussed. (A signup sheet will be available soon without a designated location for the time being.) It will help to know how many plan to attend. d.) The meeting was wrapped up with a joke from Walt and the Thought of the Day from Sandy.
  9. Adjournment: Dorothy: The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 AM.