Thursday, August 23, 2012
Minutes of Meeting of August 23, 2012
1. Call to Order: Jim: After Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance, he then told us a few funny stories and some medieval trivia. Jim will be gone Aug. 26th to Sept. 23rd.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: No introductions but Alice wanted the members to be aware that Colette’s named is misspelled on the roster. It should be spelled with only one “L”.
3. Vice-President: Joan: absent. Walt verified that we have 82 members at present.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 30 members attended today.The minutes of Aug.16 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is now $1148.70.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Shirley M., Mary M. and Lily O. Next week: Betty needs volunteers and Barbara R. was one member who offered to help out. Thank you!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: absent. a.) John, Linda and Tony P. are all down with colds. b.) Edna reported that Janet K. is doing much better. She made the trip to a family function and should be home on Monday. c.) Colette is having trouble swallowing and Ed called hospice for assistance. Please no calls or visitors anymore this week. d.) Shirley M. may have had a TIA and was in hospital for a day. She is feeling weak. Magda will call her to follow up. e.) Kay is still in rehab.
c. Historian: Magda: No new report. Pictures from recent functions needed.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the Food Bank last week but it looks like she will have enough to make a trip this week. Please remember all donations, including school supplies.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No news. JoAnn and Walt will be gone for a few days but can be reached on cell phone # 520-405-3268.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details and changes. a.) Joyce gave us an overview of upcoming events through December and once finalized, they will be in the agenda/events. b.) For those interested in going to the Tempe Sea Life event, the tickets are cheaper on line. Contact Joyce for that information. c.) Some signup sheets are available for events that have no dates as yet – it all depends on how many are interested.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Jim requested help in setting up for the SCRCR meetings while he is gone. Volunteers need to be at the Community Center by 8:45 AM. b.) Bo gave us information about the preferred contractor list that he and Barbara H. are working on. These lists will be available as printed copies and in PDF form. They will continue to be a “work in progress” as more information comes in. For those who have suggestions, this is the information that Bo needs: business name of the service; name of the individual provider; phone number of the business; name of member recommending and comments on the service (good or bad?). Please e-mail Bo with information.
9. Adjournment: Jim: The meeting was adjourned at 10:25AM.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 9, 2012
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 9, 2012
1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then entertained us with a few funny stories. Magda and Don V. also shared a couple of jokes!2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: absent. Dorothy B. filled in and a welcome back was given to Donna S. and Al and Suzanne.
3. Vice-President: Joan: absent.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 42 members present. SCRCR minutes of Aug.2 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is now $1207.60. Walt told the best joke of all today!
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Joan and Paul B. and the birthday cake. Next week: Larry, Jeanne and Dorothy B. Thank you!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Kay P. had hip surgery yesterday and is at NW Hosp. in rm 241. Dorothy G. was in hospital and is now in rehab at Kindred Health Care in rm 717B (phone is 878-2597). Janet K. is at TMC in rm 690B with a serious respiratory/lung infection.
c. Historian: Magda: No new report.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 60# of food and a $20.00 check went to the Food Bank. In late October or early November boxes to military will be shipped. Start collecting for military donations and give Betty any addresses you have.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No news. Jorge will be gone for one month.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details and changes. a.) Joyce gave us an overview of upcoming events and once finalized, they will be in the agenda/events. b.) Woody S. shared with the group information about the great museums in Phoenix, especially the Musical Instruments Museum. He also reminded us that the Art Museum in Tucson has free admission on the first Sunday of each month.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Barbara H. made up a list for tracking information about preferred contractors for home repairs. JoAnn R. will keep this list and can be contacted when a member needs that information. b.) Magda gave a big Thank You to Donna for all the tab-tops for Ronald McDonald House. c.)Jim informed us about a web site giving information on the use of defibrillators – d.) Gladys commented on the fact that the Fire Dept. would probably be available to give a demonstration on CPR. Joyce volunteered to set this up for one of our meetings. e.) Jeanne gave an overview on the position of SCRCR Secretary, letting the group know that this position is not as difficult as some may think. f.) Bo has information re general contractors etc. to add to the “Preferred Contractors List”. g.) Larry gave an update on the progress of the Nomination Committee. h.) Jim reminded us that elections will take place in October with new members taking office in January. i.) Magda suggested a day to be scheduled in which members can look over the memory books.
9. Adjournment: Jim: The meeting was adjourned at 10:05AM.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 2, 2012
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 2, 2012
1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then entertained us with a few funny stories.2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: Welcome back to Joan M. Also a welcome to our new members: Woody S. and Phyllis R.
3. Vice-President: Joan: absent. Per Walt, we have lost 2 members but gained another two so our member count stands at 83. Lou M. was called upon to share his great jokes and get us all laughing!
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 44 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of July 26 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is now $1217.20.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Alice B., Mary T. and Suzette. Next week: Joan and Paul B. and the birthday cake. Thank you!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: No report.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 49# of food and a $20.00 check went to the Food Bank. School supplies are filling up. In late October or early November, we will start collecting for military donations so be on the lookout for anything useful and give Betty any addresses you have.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No news.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details and changes. a.) Betty still has tickets for the Gaslight theatre performance scheduled for Aug. 21st. The Christmas Gaslight performance will be on 12/4/2012 @ 6:00PM and a signup sheet is available. b.) Joyce needs confirmation for the lunch at Opa by Monday, so if you intend to go, please contact her by then. c.) JoAnn and Walt managed to get to Flandrau on the wrong date but that enabled them to tell us all about how great the exhibits are! The main problem is parking due to construction in the area.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Sandy requests volunteers to help with the Mother/Daughter Tea on Saturday, Sept. 15. She also could use baked goods for this occasion. b.) Jim reminded us that SCRCR elections for officers will be coming up in October. Larry and Alice K. volunteered to be on the nominating committee. c.) Alice B. cautioned the group about getting overcharged for repairs to garage doors. Two businesses that seem to be known for doing this are A Authentic and Precision. The business which seems to be best is Signal Doors. This generated a discussion within the group re any and all home owner services. Paul B. suggested a directory might be a good idea based on individual experiences. Paul B. and Bo B. have some good sources to recommend. d.) Joan M. thanked everyone for visits, cards and goodies. She expressed her dissatisfaction with The Fountains. e.) Jim let us know that his solar system is still paying off!
9. Adjournment: Jim: The meeting was adjourned at 10:17AM.
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