1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He read us a job description for parents!
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann covered for Bob and Bonnie. She welcomed back Al and Suzanne (who could not stay for the meeting). Janet Kells was present today.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 72 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and accepted but Lew made mention of the fact that the last minutes should read “Ms. Cook” and “Flying Tigers II”. 36 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt reported a total of $568.31 in the treasury. He also commented on the IRS 501C7 tax exempt status of our group. All that needs to be done is to fill out a minimal number of questions on line in order to report our status.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by John and Linda DiPalma as well as Alice Behnke. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Alice King, Dennis Foster and Edna Coburn.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: No news re health issues for any members this week. Shirley reported on how to get to Ruth L.’s current living abode. Ruth is doing well. Jim read a thank you card from Mary Jensen.
6.3 Historian: Magda: Magda has returned and says it is safe to cross the border. She thanked the group for the Mother’s Day pictures.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 28# of food went to the food bank this past week. She still needs one more address for the Armed Forces boxes.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Thanks to those who are using this service. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228.
6.6 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. Barbara covered for Alice today and she reminded us of the winery tour on June 7th. If you need directions, please contact Barbara. Car pooling will be at 10:00 am at the Community Center. Be sure to sign up for the Father’s Day luncheon.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Janet reported that Saturday she will be in contact with the Lion’s Club who are collecting eyeglasses, cell phones and hearing aids for the needy.
b.) Bo informed us of a church garage sale on Saturday at Desert Son Church on Cortaro Farms Rd.
c.) JoAnn gave us information re the Town of Marana water aerobics classes and many other activities, such as line dancing, zoomba, etc. If interested contact Marana Senior Center at 520-382-3485. The yearly fees have increased to $40.00 for a full year.
d.) Walt reminded us to remove the SIM cards on our cell phones if we are donating them. Also be aware that if we use the services of agencies such as Kinkos and they donate their old equipment, our personal info could still be on those machines!
e.) Jorge reminded us to fly the American Flag on Memorial Day.
f.) Jim commented on the efficiency of the road construction on Silverbell and Twin Peaks and suggested that we may want to send a “Thank You” to the town manager of Marana.
Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:05 Am
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of May 20, 2010

Note: picture from one of our outings
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendance was twenty-seven members – low! Jim read a thank-you card received from Mrs. Cook of the Flying Tigers, which is a challenged children’s group to whom we had sent some gifts.
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann, covering for Bob and Bonnie, welcomed Alice B. back.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we have 72 members – no change.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: (Lew in Jeanne’s absence). The minutes of May 13th were accepted as presented. Please notify the author by e-mail if there are any significant changes to the agenda or minutes.
5 Treasurer: Walt: After today’s $44.89 disbursement, the treasury stands at $537.09 checking, $6.22 cash, $543.31 total.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Refreshments this week were provided by Carol and Jorge. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Linda & John with Alice B. Jorge asked for more fruit.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Al’s cataract surgery worked out OK and he is very pleased with the results. Shirley is still trying to get the correct address for Ruth. Agnes has had a severe reaction to some medication.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No trip was made to the food bank this past week. Betty still has one more box for the military: if you have an address, please let her know. Also, please remember the coupons and donation jars!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Janet’s new e-mail is jeri2kay@cox.net.
7 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events. Alice mentioned that she was glad to be back in a warmer climate – she was cold in Denver. As a result of a tornado delay she did not get home until 1:00 AM. Fifteen have signed up for the winery trip.
8 Group Concerns:
a.) Jim referred to an e-mail that Mike had sent to Lew, who had forwarded it for discussion. It regarded a new requirement that non-profit companies must now return IRS forms; they had previously been exempted if income was less than $25,000. Since we must have three years non-compliance before losing non-profit status it was decided to let it go this year, but Walt and Carol will investigate the ramifications of the new law. Jim mentioned that a former club that he was in had been threatened with a 28% withholding.
9 Adjournment: With another sparse attendance, Jim adjourned the meeting @ 9:53 AM.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Meeting of May 13, 2010
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendance was estimated at thirty members.
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann, covering for Bob and Bonnie, welcomed back Sharon Jones-Christie, Donna, and Edna.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we have 72 members – no change.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: Jeanne and Larry are in the New Orleans area. Lew reported that they would be away for two weeks. The minutes of May 6th were accepted and approved. Please notify the author by e-mail if there are any changes to the agenda or minutes.
5 Treasurer: Walt: After today’s $45 disbursement, the treasury stands at $581.98 checking, $6.22 cash, $588.20 total.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Refreshments this week were provided by Don and Vi with Donna. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Carol and Jorge. Today we have Papa Murphy’s Pizza and birthday cake. We were reminded to sign the cards.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Mary J. is doing OK. Al is going for cataract surgery on the 19th .
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent. Lew collected the photos of the Mothers Day potluck to put on the SCRCR web site.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: Forty pounds of food and $40 went to the food bank this past week. Betty still has one more box for the military: if you have an address, please let her know. Also, please remember the coupons and donation jars!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Since Suzanne no longer drives, Gladys said that Al needed a ride. Betty offered to do drive him; Frank said that he would be back-up. Sue and Dick returned home for the season.
7 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events. Alice was absent and Barbara H. reminded us of upcoming events. She mentioned that Alice was regretting that she had not taken warmer clothes with her – she is cold! She will be back next week.
8 Group Concerns: a.) On Mother’s Day the potluck at Joan and Frank’s was a great success.
b) Jim advised us that the solar heating on his house was going backward and has a credit of 750 KW.
c) Jim suggested that the new Chicago-style Hot Dog outlet next to Walgreen’s should be asked to provide samples, like Papa Murphy. Betty said coupons were available.
9 Adjournment: With sparse attendance, Jim adjourned the meeting @ 9:50 AM. Papa Murphy supplied various examples of their pizza.
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann, covering for Bob and Bonnie, welcomed back Sharon Jones-Christie, Donna, and Edna.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we have 72 members – no change.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: Jeanne and Larry are in the New Orleans area. Lew reported that they would be away for two weeks. The minutes of May 6th were accepted and approved. Please notify the author by e-mail if there are any changes to the agenda or minutes.
5 Treasurer: Walt: After today’s $45 disbursement, the treasury stands at $581.98 checking, $6.22 cash, $588.20 total.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Refreshments this week were provided by Don and Vi with Donna. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Carol and Jorge. Today we have Papa Murphy’s Pizza and birthday cake. We were reminded to sign the cards.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Mary J. is doing OK. Al is going for cataract surgery on the 19th .
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent. Lew collected the photos of the Mothers Day potluck to put on the SCRCR web site.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: Forty pounds of food and $40 went to the food bank this past week. Betty still has one more box for the military: if you have an address, please let her know. Also, please remember the coupons and donation jars!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Since Suzanne no longer drives, Gladys said that Al needed a ride. Betty offered to do drive him; Frank said that he would be back-up. Sue and Dick returned home for the season.
7 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events. Alice was absent and Barbara H. reminded us of upcoming events. She mentioned that Alice was regretting that she had not taken warmer clothes with her – she is cold! She will be back next week.
8 Group Concerns: a.) On Mother’s Day the potluck at Joan and Frank’s was a great success.
b) Jim advised us that the solar heating on his house was going backward and has a credit of 750 KW.
c) Jim suggested that the new Chicago-style Hot Dog outlet next to Walgreen’s should be asked to provide samples, like Papa Murphy. Betty said coupons were available.
9 Adjournment: With sparse attendance, Jim adjourned the meeting @ 9:50 AM. Papa Murphy supplied various examples of their pizza.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of May 6, 2010
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed back Ed and Colette; read a thank you note from Ed; read a thank you note from Janet K. Janet will be donating her check from SCRCR to the Lion’s Foundation of AZ.
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann covered for Bob and Bonnie. She welcomed back Ed, Colette, Walt, JoAnn, Suzette, Mary Taylor and John Lambert.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 72 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Apr. 29th were accepted and approved after a comment by John Lambert re the item in the minutes stating that the HOA gave out misinformation on the YMCA open house. A discussion followed to clarify this, but the members who received this information from the HOA management were absent. 34 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt reported that a check for a total of $135.00 had been presented to Janet K. There is currently $633.10 in the treasury.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Mary Taylor and Suzette Stein. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Dan and Donna St. John as well as Don and Vi. Papa Murphy’s will also be providing pizza samples and it is birthday week, so there will be a birthday cake !!
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: No news re health issues for any members this week.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the food bank this past week. 6 boxes for Armed Forces members were mailed out and Betty has one more box. If you have an address, please let her know. Coupons were mailed and please remember the donation jars!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Thanks to those who are using this service. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228. Gladys does not contact people herself. If you have information, please contact her.
7 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. Alice was absent and Lynn reminded us of upcoming events. On Mother’s Day there will be a potluck at Joan and Frank’s. Let them know if you are attending. There will be indoor and outdoor games. The meat for the potluck is taken care of. Try to be there @ Noon. Eating will commence at 1:00 PM. Don’t forget the winery tour, as we have been looking for different activities and this would be a different activity!
8 Group Concerns:
a.) No hiking for the summer, but Jorge commented on the fun time that was had at Nana’s Kitchen on Cinco de Mayo.
b.) John Lambert had much to tell us about HOA issues. He stressed that he would like to resolve the misinformation problem re the YMCA open house and if anyone knows who gave that info out, please contact him. He also reminded us of the concert at Marana Crossroads Park on Saturday, May 8th. The HOA has donated money toward this and a good turnout would be appreciated. The concerts need more sponsors and better attendance. Check out the new brickwork at the HOA office. This project cost $13,000 less than repairing the previous concrete. The pool behind the Community Center is complete and now open. This project did cost $13,000. New face recognition cameras are in the works, hopefully, to help eliminate the vandalism going on in our community
c.) Lynn shared that there will be a Republican Party Kick-off BBQ at Windmill Park on Saturday May 8th @ 4:00pm.
d.) Mike R. told us about a concert downtown at the Fox Theater on Sat. May 8th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.: free concert and free parking. The folk music concert last week was very good.
e.) If anyone is interested in contacting the YMCA about the Silver Sneaker Program, call Paula Warnke @ 520-229-9001 x 115.
9 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:05 AM.
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann covered for Bob and Bonnie. She welcomed back Ed, Colette, Walt, JoAnn, Suzette, Mary Taylor and John Lambert.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 72 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Apr. 29th were accepted and approved after a comment by John Lambert re the item in the minutes stating that the HOA gave out misinformation on the YMCA open house. A discussion followed to clarify this, but the members who received this information from the HOA management were absent. 34 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt reported that a check for a total of $135.00 had been presented to Janet K. There is currently $633.10 in the treasury.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Mary Taylor and Suzette Stein. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Dan and Donna St. John as well as Don and Vi. Papa Murphy’s will also be providing pizza samples and it is birthday week, so there will be a birthday cake !!
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: No news re health issues for any members this week.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the food bank this past week. 6 boxes for Armed Forces members were mailed out and Betty has one more box. If you have an address, please let her know. Coupons were mailed and please remember the donation jars!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Thanks to those who are using this service. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228. Gladys does not contact people herself. If you have information, please contact her.
7 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. Alice was absent and Lynn reminded us of upcoming events. On Mother’s Day there will be a potluck at Joan and Frank’s. Let them know if you are attending. There will be indoor and outdoor games. The meat for the potluck is taken care of. Try to be there @ Noon. Eating will commence at 1:00 PM. Don’t forget the winery tour, as we have been looking for different activities and this would be a different activity!
8 Group Concerns:
a.) No hiking for the summer, but Jorge commented on the fun time that was had at Nana’s Kitchen on Cinco de Mayo.
b.) John Lambert had much to tell us about HOA issues. He stressed that he would like to resolve the misinformation problem re the YMCA open house and if anyone knows who gave that info out, please contact him. He also reminded us of the concert at Marana Crossroads Park on Saturday, May 8th. The HOA has donated money toward this and a good turnout would be appreciated. The concerts need more sponsors and better attendance. Check out the new brickwork at the HOA office. This project cost $13,000 less than repairing the previous concrete. The pool behind the Community Center is complete and now open. This project did cost $13,000. New face recognition cameras are in the works, hopefully, to help eliminate the vandalism going on in our community
c.) Lynn shared that there will be a Republican Party Kick-off BBQ at Windmill Park on Saturday May 8th @ 4:00pm.
d.) Mike R. told us about a concert downtown at the Fox Theater on Sat. May 8th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.: free concert and free parking. The folk music concert last week was very good.
e.) If anyone is interested in contacting the YMCA about the Silver Sneaker Program, call Paula Warnke @ 520-229-9001 x 115.
9 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:05 AM.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Apr. 29, 2010
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some jokes with the group, some of which were very entertaining!
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte welcomed back Kay P., Jim and Linda Alam. Bob and Bonnie will be absent next week and Carol Altmann will take over in their absence.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Apr. 15th were accepted and approved. 33 members were in attendance today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt was absent and Jim gave the treasurer’s report. We have a total of $719.92. A total of $135.00 was raised in donations for Janet K.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Frank and Joan and Mike R. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Mary Taylor and Suzette Stein.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Ed Dubsky is doing well and asked Joan T. to thank everyone for their well wishes. Mary Jensen will be going back to The Fountains today. Ruth L. is at Faithful Heart care facility. The address there is 6631 N. Silverbell, Tucson, AZ 85743. Vi needed some sympathy since her daughter just turned 60 yrs. old!!
6.3 Historian: Magda: Numerous pictures have been submitted – thank you!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 24 # of food went to the food bank this past week. Boxes for Armed Forces members are being packed up today and Betty now has 3 addresses. If you have more addresses for her, please contact her ASAP.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: (Gladys was absent today.) Have Gladys’ phone number handy or in cell phones so that if there is an emergency, she can be reached and make the necessary contacts. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228. Gladys does not contact people herself. If you have information, please contact her.
7 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events.
Barbara H. covered in Alice’s absence today and she reminded us of the upcoming events.
Casino day is May 14th rather than May 7th.
No plans for Mother’s Day – everyone is on their own.
Big Band tickets are sold out.
Winery tour reservations need to be made by May 13th. There will be a charge of $28.00 per person for the private tour, private wine tasting, souvenir glass and luncheon in Sonoita. 10 people are required to be signed up for this option. The other option is to attend the wine tasting only.
8 Group Concerns: a.) Jorge reported on the last 2 hikes: Pima Canyon Tr. and Sabino Canyon – both beautiful, but a little difficult. No further hikes will be scheduled until summer is over.
b.) Magda encouraged everyone to support the cyclists for the Tour d’ Tucson in November.
c.) 2 restaurants will be closing: Roma’s CafĂ© and the Contessa. A new hot dog restaurant - Bubby’s – has opened off Coachline behind the Walgreen’s.
d.) Jim announced that Marilyn Simpson has a surplus of insulin syringes to give away. If interested, call her @ 744-2526.
e.) Mike R. told us about the folk music festival at Presidio Park on Sat. and Sun. (May 1st and 2nd).
f.) There was a bad turnout for the YMCA open house, in part due to misinformation from the HOA, saying that it was canceled. Call Carol Altmann for the phone number if you would like to express your support for the Silver Sneaker program.were very
9 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:05 AM.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte welcomed back Kay P., Jim and Linda Alam. Bob and Bonnie will be absent next week and Carol Altmann will take over in their absence.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Apr. 15th were accepted and approved. 33 members were in attendance today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt was absent and Jim gave the treasurer’s report. We have a total of $719.92. A total of $135.00 was raised in donations for Janet K.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Frank and Joan and Mike R. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Mary Taylor and Suzette Stein.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Ed Dubsky is doing well and asked Joan T. to thank everyone for their well wishes. Mary Jensen will be going back to The Fountains today. Ruth L. is at Faithful Heart care facility. The address there is 6631 N. Silverbell, Tucson, AZ 85743. Vi needed some sympathy since her daughter just turned 60 yrs. old!!
6.3 Historian: Magda: Numerous pictures have been submitted – thank you!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 24 # of food went to the food bank this past week. Boxes for Armed Forces members are being packed up today and Betty now has 3 addresses. If you have more addresses for her, please contact her ASAP.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: (Gladys was absent today.) Have Gladys’ phone number handy or in cell phones so that if there is an emergency, she can be reached and make the necessary contacts. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228. Gladys does not contact people herself. If you have information, please contact her.
7 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events.
Barbara H. covered in Alice’s absence today and she reminded us of the upcoming events.
Casino day is May 14th rather than May 7th.
No plans for Mother’s Day – everyone is on their own.
Big Band tickets are sold out.
Winery tour reservations need to be made by May 13th. There will be a charge of $28.00 per person for the private tour, private wine tasting, souvenir glass and luncheon in Sonoita. 10 people are required to be signed up for this option. The other option is to attend the wine tasting only.
8 Group Concerns: a.) Jorge reported on the last 2 hikes: Pima Canyon Tr. and Sabino Canyon – both beautiful, but a little difficult. No further hikes will be scheduled until summer is over.
b.) Magda encouraged everyone to support the cyclists for the Tour d’ Tucson in November.
c.) 2 restaurants will be closing: Roma’s CafĂ© and the Contessa. A new hot dog restaurant - Bubby’s – has opened off Coachline behind the Walgreen’s.
d.) Jim announced that Marilyn Simpson has a surplus of insulin syringes to give away. If interested, call her @ 744-2526.
e.) Mike R. told us about the folk music festival at Presidio Park on Sat. and Sun. (May 1st and 2nd).
f.) There was a bad turnout for the YMCA open house, in part due to misinformation from the HOA, saying that it was canceled. Call Carol Altmann for the phone number if you would like to express your support for the Silver Sneaker program.were very
9 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:05 AM.
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