Thursday, April 30, 2009

Preliminary Meeting Minutes for 30 April 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held April 30, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:32 AM and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-four people were present. Joan said that she would try to have a short meeting because of today’s trip to Old Tucson.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Collette: Linda D. and Mary J. were welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: No change in membership. Jim attended the HOA meeting last night and mentioned that the wheelchair ramps had been acted upon. A similar concern at the Windmill area had resulted in a quote of $4,300 for a simple ramp, so it was decided to go out for more bids. The HOA board expressed appreciation for the work that SCRCR had done (by Jim and Ed A.)

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were passed as read. (Note new data site in headings; see FYI note below the minutes.)

5. Treasurer: Walt: Financial status: Checking: $765, Cash: $8, Total: $773.

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Alice K. and Shirley. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Agnes was present and doing OK. She is trying to put on weight, having dropped to 115 pounds the hard way. ….. (b) Linda D. was having physical therapy at home.(b) Betty is back at home and doing much better after her back surgery. ….. (c) John reported that Ernie had an accident with an RTV and tumbled down a 90 foot drop in the White Mountains. He hurt his sternum and back, and was in much pain. The local hospitals could not handle his injuries so he was flown to Phoenix. .….. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing to report.

6.4 Activities: Alice: (Absent – in Hawaii). See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Old and/or New Business

8. Good of the Group: (a) Agnes thanked us for the cards, calls, visits, and basket. (d) Once again, JoAnn said that there was no hike this week but there may still be one more this season, possibly including a picnic. It’s getting too hot! Jorge said that he and his wife enjoyed a visit to Parker Lake where it was 70 degrees. ….. (b) Joan T. reminded us to take chairs, coolers, and flashlights with us if we are going to Saturday’s concert in Windmill Park. ….. (c) Jim said that only two people have been named to fill four vacancies on the board. ….. (d) Joan and Frank will miss the next two meetings; Jim will take Joan’s place.

9. Adjournment: 9:55 AM.

Friday, April 24, 2009



Minutes of Meeting Held April 23, 2009
1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 AM and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-four people were present. Joan read a couple of jokes.
2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Collette: Linda D. and Mary J. were welcomed back.
3. Vice-President: Jim: No change in membership. Jim told a few jokes.
4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were passed as amended (Jim had been reported absent last week, but he was present).
5. Treasurer: Walt: Jim reported status: Checking: $814, Cash: $8, Total: $822. (no change).
6. Coordinators Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Colette and Ed with Ruth. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)
6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Agnes was having physical and occupational therapy at home from visiting nurses, otherwise would have been here today. ….. (b) Linda D. was present and doing well with her new knee. ….. (c) Mary J. was present and doing OK. (c) Betty is back at home after her back surgery. She was having a reaction to some pain medicine. .….. Please call if you hear of any health issues.
6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: Frank took 21.5 lbs and $55 from our “kitty” plus a $10 check to the Food Bank.
6.4 Activities: Alice: (Absent – in Hawaii). See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.
7. Old and/or New Business
8. Good of the Group: (a) Ed A. pointed out a discrepancy in the local newspaper about the recent memorial service; it was for Marines, not Soldiers, as reported. ….. (b) Joan T. gave details of a new program called Mature Worker Connection. Sponsored by PCOA (Pima Council on Aging), it may be viewed at A similar comprehensive and long-standing AARP program may be viewed at Both are free. ….. (c) Ed A. asked for an update of the wheel-chair concern; none was available. It will probably be discussed at the HOA meeting next Wednesday; Jim said he would follow up on it. ….. (d) JoAnn said that there was no hike this week and there will be only one more this season, possibly including a picnic. ….. (e) In a discussion regarding the Picacho Peak lunch, Frank advised us that veterans get into the area free. There will be no battle reenactment this year. ….. (f) Dennis gave details of a ceremonial re-burial of 85 soldiers whose bodies have to be relocated to Sierra Vista Veterans Cemetery. It will be at 10:00 AM on May-16; a large attendance is anticipated. Located off Highway 90, maps will be provided. ….. (g) Linda D. thanked us for the fruit, cards, and calls made during recovery from her knee operation. ….. (h) Lunch at Chuy’s was reported to be good, with some reservations regarding type of service.
9. Adjournment: 10:03 AM.

Philanthropic activity

Our club has supported needy Marana-area families over the years and has regularly given supplies to the Marana Food Bank. We keep track of the welfare of our own members too, sending get-well cards and a small gift of plants, fruit, or miscellaneous goodies to those who are not well. We also provide transportation when needed. At our Christmas dinner, instead of giving gifts to each other to keep, we each buy and exchange children’s toys, which we give later to a local charitable organization, after our annual Christmas dinner party.
Please support the Marana Food Bank


When we are not meeting for games at the center, we gather in its parking lot to make car-pooling arrangements prior to going on a trip. Departure times depend on the length of the trip, which are sometimes as near as Casino del Sol, other times as far as Tombstone, Kitt Peak, or Fort Huachuca. Any senior or retiree may come with us on the trip if it is not an occasion that requires a prior reservation, otherwise come back on another Thursday. Ask for our current schedule of events at the Windmill CRCA community center.

Typical of the popular events that we go to are the Gaslight Theater, Major League spring training games, Fiesta de los Vaqueros, Gem and Mineral Show, etc. In cooler weather, you might find us visiting Picacho Peak or the Desert Museum or having a potluck picnic at Tucson ’s Christopher Columbus Park . In the fall,we might be picking fruit and vegetables at Willcox or going to the Tubac Festival of Arts and Crafts.
==================== some past events =======

Thurs. Nov. 4: Meeting and Games. BJ’s Brewery – dinner @5:30 PM. Car Pool @ 4:30 PM. (Broadway and Craycroft).
Thurs. Nov. 11: Meeting, Games and Birthdays.
Fri. Nov.12: Casino @ 9:00AM.
Mon. Nov. 15: Carrabas Restaurant for luncheon @ 12:30PM. Car Pool @ 12:00 PM.
Thurs. Nov. 25: Happy Thanksgiving!

Fri. Oct. 8: Casino @ 9:00AM.
Fri. Oct. 15: Disney On Ice – no dinner planned. Performance starts @ 7:00PM and Car Pool @ 6:00PM or earlier.
Thurs. Oct. 28: Meeting and Games. Luncheon @ Tohono Chul Tea Room @ 12:30 PM. Car Pool @ 12:00 PM
September 2010
Thurs. Sept. 2: Meeting and Games.
Wed. Sept. 8: Columbus Park Picnic @ 10:00 AM. Carpool @ 9:30 AM.
Thurs. Sept 9: Meeting, Games and Birthdays.
Fri. Sept 10: Casino!!
Thurs. Sept. 16: Meeting and Games.
Tues. Sept. 21: Gaslight Theater. Dinner at Macaroni Grill @ 5:00 PM. Carpool @4:00PM. Performance @ 7:00PM. Carpool @ 6:00PM.
Thurs. Sept. 23: Meeting and Games.
Sat. Sept. 25: Octoberfest – Mt. Lemmon. Carpool @ 10:00 AM. Luncheon at the Iron Door Restaurant.
Thurs. Sept. 30: Meeting and Games.
August 2010
Thurs. Aug. 12: Meeting, Games and Birthdays.
Fri. Aug 13: Casino!!
Thurs. Aug 19: Meeting and Games.
Wed. Aug. 25: Firebird Restaurant. Luncheon @ 12:30 PM. Carpool @ 12:00 PM.
Thurs. Aug 26: Meeting and Games.
Tues. Aug 31: Wildflower Grill at Ina and Oracle. Luncheon @ 12:30 PM. Carpool @ 11:00 AM.

July 2010
Thurs. July 1: Meeting and Games. Red, White and Blue potluck - luncheon @ 11:00 AM.
Thurs. July 8: Meeting, Games and Birthdays.
Fri. July 9: Casino.
Mon. July 14: Lukes Italian Beef – luncheon @ 12:30 PM. Carpool @ 12:00 PM.
Thurs. July 15: Meeting and Games.
Thurs. July 22: Meeting and Games. Fortune Cookie Restaurant - luncheon @ 12:00 PM., followed by Tower Theater movie.
Wed. July 28: Outback Restaurant. Dinner @ 5:30 PM. Carpool @ 5:00 PM.
Thurs. July 29: Meeting and Games.

June and before

Mon. June 7: Winery in Elgi
n – TBD. Luncheon in Elgin – location TBD. Carpool @ 10:00AM.
Thurs. June 10: Meeting and Games.
Fri. June 11: Casino. Carpool @ 9:00AM.
Mon. May 24: Big Band Express @ Gaslight Theater @ 7 PM. Dinner @ 5 PM @ Olive Garden. Carpool @ 4:00PM and 6:00 PM.
Thurs. May 6: Meeting and Games.
Sun May 9: Mother’s Day At the Trumps.
Thurs. May 13: Meeting, Games and Birthday.
Fri. May14: Casino. Carpool @ 9:00 AM.
Tues. Mar. 30: Carpool @ 11:50 AM for Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant – lunch @ 12:30 PM.
Thurs. Apr. 1: Meeting and Games.
Thurs. Apr. 8: Meeting, Games and Birthdays.
Fri. Apr. 9: Casino. Carpool @ 9:00AM.
Mon. Apr. 12: Luncheon @ Macaroni Grill @ 12:30 PM. Car pool @ 12:00PM.
Thurs. Apr15: Meeting and Games.
Thurs. Apr. 22: Meeting and Games.
Tues. Apr. 27: Gaslight Theater @ 7 PM. Dinner @ 5 PM @ Olive Garden. Carpool @ 4:00PM for dinner: 6:00PM for show.
Thurs. Apr. 29: Meeting and Games.
Wed. May 5: Dinner @ Nana’s Kitchen @ 5:30 PM. Carpool @ 5 PM.
Tues. Mar. 30: Carpool @ 11:50 am. for Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant – lunch @ 12:30 PM
Wed. Mar. 17: St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon @ Thunder Canyon Brewery @ 1:00PM. Carpool@12:30PM
Fri. Mar. 12: Carpool @ 9:00 am. for Casino del Sol
Mon. Mar. 8: Miguel’s Mexican Rest. @ La Posada @ 5:30 Pm. Carpool @ 5:00PM.
Thurs. Mar. 4: Reid Park Senior’s Day (?) @ 8AM.
Fri. Feb.12: Carpool at 9:00 for Casino del Sol.
Tue. Feb. 23: Carpool 6:00 for Gaslight Theater and 4:00 for dinner.
Sat. Feb 27: Carpool 9:30 for trip to Arizona Opry at 1:00 p.m. (dinner included).

Wed. Dec. 9: Christmas Party at Elks’ Lodge. Carpool 4:15 for Cocktail Hour at 5:00. Carpool 5:15 for 6:00 Dinner and Dance. Fri.
Dec. 11: Carpool at 9:00 for Casino del Sol.
Tue. Dec 1: Carpool 5:00 for Gaslight Theater at 6:00. Dinner location TBD.
Thu. Dec. 3: Birthdays for December celebrants.
Thu. Nov.19: Carpool 12:00 for 12:30 lunch at Golden Corral (Thornydale near Costco).
Fri. Nov. 13: Carpool at 9:00 for Casino del Sol. Lucky day!
Thu. Nov. 12: Carpool 6:30 for 7:00 PM din
Publish Post
ner at White Stallion.
Thu. Nov. 12: Birthdays for November celebrants.
Thu. Nov. 5: Carpool 12:00 for 12:30 lunch at Contessa Restaurant.
Thu. Nov. 5: Carpool 12:00 for 12:30 lunch at Contessa Restaurant.
Wed. Oct. 28: Carpool 8:00 for 9:30 tour at Caterpillar Co. Luncheon planned at approximately 11:30 at Desert Diamond Casino.
Thu. Oct. 15: Packing Military parcels. Carpool 12:00 for 12:30 lunch at Phillips Cuisine
Mon. Oct. 12: Carpool 5:30 for 7:00 show of Big Bands at Gaslight Theater. dinner Macayo’s Restaurant.
Fri. Oct 9: Carpool at 9:00 for Casino del Sol.
Thu. Oct. 8: Birthdays for October celebrants.
Wed. Sep. 30: Carpool at 4:45 for dinner at Olive Garden at 5:30.
Thu. Sep. 24: Carpool at 4:45 for dinner at the Lariat Restaurant at 5:30.
Fri. Sep. 18: Women’s Pampering Night at the center from 6:00 to 10:00 PM.
Wed. Sep 2: Carpool 11:45 for 12:30 lunch at Spot Light Grill
Fri. Aug 28: Carpool at 4:45 for dinner 5:30 at The Loop (Old Chicago) (10180 N. Oracle
Thu. Aug 20: Carpool at 12:00 for lunch at Denny’s Restaurant at 12:30.
Thu. Aug 13: Birthdays for August celebrants.
Mon. Aug 10: Carpool 12:00 for 12:30 lunch at Phillips Cuisine (6060 N. Oracle)
Sat. Jul 25: Gladys’s 80th birthday lunch at 11:00 AM in Roma CafĂ© (Ina near Oldfather).
Sat. Jul 4: Open house potluck at Frank & Joan’s house.
Thu. Jul 2: Red-White-Blue potluck lunch after the meeting.
Sun. Jun 21: Carpool 9:00 for 10:00 Fathers’ Day brunch at Luna Bella Restaurant.
Thu. Jun 11: Birthdays for June celebrants 15 aniversary of our club.
Wed. Jun 17: Carpool 5:00 for 5:30 dinner at the Outback.
Sun. Jun 21: Carpool 9:00 for 10:00 Fathers’ Day brunch at Red Sky Restaurant.


Eating out: Once each month, usually avoiding Saturdays and Sundays, we go out as a group to an early dinner, carpooling if necessary. We meet in a good restaurant, such as the Metropolitan Grill, Michaelangelo's, Macayo's, El Corral, etc. We choose these and all our events in planning sessions. Also monthly, we have a big decorated cake to celebrate those of our members who have their birthdays in the current month. Our occasional potluck lunches or brunches are of gourmet standards -- our members are excellent cooks! Occasionally we go to a movie at Foothills Mall and have lunch there afterwards; we also go out to luncheons at Contessa and other favorites.