Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Note­worthy Events

2008 Officers:
Joan Travis-Triumph -- President;
Alice King -- Vice-President;
Lew MacDonald -- Sec­retary;
Karen Evans — Treasurer.
Coordinators: Jorge Anda — Activities; John & Linda DiPalma -- Host & Hostess; Betty Bolin — Philanthropy; Shirley Mead, Mary Mooney & Jan Pekelder — Refreshments; Gladys Pope — Sunshine; Magda Quiros -- Historian.

January 3: 34 present. (1) Photos were taken of the outgoing board who were all given a round of applause. Frank T. had knee staples removed.

January 10: 34 present. (1) Hilde’s operation was a failure and she returned to ER for urgent attention.. (2) Joan M. thanked Carroll Morris for our donation and good wishes after Connie’s death. (3) The BOD recall was discussed.

January 17: 37 present. (1) Peggy’s brother died recently. (2) Bob is going to have a new knee.(3) Members volunteered for the recall ballot counting, etc.

January 24: 37 present. (1) Gladys’s neighbor Jeannie Mench was introduced. (2) Members attended a rau­cous BOD recall meeting. (3) No bad news!

February 7: 41 present. (1) Bob is recovering from his knee operation. (2) Joan T. read a thank you note from the American Heart association for our donation of $50 as a memorial to Connie Morris. (3) The Down Home Delights lunch was canceled through lack of interest. (3) Tony & Sandy celebrated their fiftieth and Mary & Al celebrated their sixtieth anniversaries.

February 21: 38 present. (1) Mary J. was in NW Med Center with pneumonia and later went to Mountain View Recovery. (2) Ed’s PSA had gone down from 25 to 3.5 and he thanked us for letters, etc. (3) Joan T. expressed satisfaction for the two nice round tables that had been provided. She asked that a fruit basket be sent to Platinum employees who supported us through the years. (3) Stratford Management Company was chosen out of seven applicants.

March 13: 34 present. (1) Joan T’s father was introduced. (2) Carol was in NMC with possible stroke symp­toms. (2) Al T. had a pacemaker installed. (3) Mary J. was back in NMC after a fall. (4) Janet mentioned that Frank is losing much of his faculties but his cognitive functions are OK and he is in good spirits. (5) Edna was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her services to SCRCR and the community.

March 20: 31 present. (1) Gretchen was welcomed back. (2) Al 1. was not responding well to the new pacemaker. Mary J. was back in rehab. (2) Joan M. reported that Eldon was doing well after back surgery.

March 27: 33 present. (1) May M’s friend Joan Gray was introduced. (2) Al T. was still under a nurse’s care at home. (2) Don V. had severe leg pain and did not know the cause of it. (3) Joan M. had re-grown so much hair that she could discard her hat! (4) Barbara H. thanked our Hip-Hop volunteers.

April 3: 26 present. (1) Carol was still having foot problems. (2) Al T. was back in NMC for pacemaker ad­justments. (3) Don V. was in MNC for blood clot on his lung.. (4) Peggy went to Urgent Care with chest pains but there was no heart problem.

April 10: ?? present. (1) JoAnn introduced Fran from Florida. (1) Mary J. was still in rehab, Don V. re­mained in NMC, and Al T, was back home.

April17: 28 present. (1) Carol was present but limping. (2) Al T. still recovering at home. (3) Don V. re­mained in NMC.

May 1: 29 present. (1) Al T. was recuperating. (2) Mary J. put on ten pounds. (3) Don V. was a little better but sleeping about eighteen hours per day.

May 8: 28 present. (1) Don V. was able to get dressed for the first time since 1 April. (2) Al T. was still ii remission.

May 15: ?? present. (1) Linda D. introduced Linda Alan from Nebraska and Helen & Hennan Keonig from Missouri. (2) Don V. was doing much better. (2) Chuck was getting a walker. (3) Mary said that Al was not doing well.

May 29: 32 present. (1) Linda D. welcomed Linda Alam as a member. (2) Al Taylor is not doing well; the cancer remission has ended. (3) Ed A. was in a Phoenix hospital with seriously injured spine. (3) Elaine had an MRI after falling and hurting her head but she was recovering OK. (4) A lectern had been suggested as a donation to the new library.

June 5: 31 present. (1) Ed returns today from Phoenix and will go into rehab in Life Care. (2) Elaine had to resort to use of a walker. (3) Old Pueblo Grill lunch was canceled — only one sign-up. (4) Kay got a thank-you card from a soldier in the Albany VA hospital for one of our parcels that had not been delivered to its overseas addressee.

June 12: 44 were present for our 14th anniversary party. (1) Past members Ed & Colette, Don & Hilde, and Ruth were welcomed to our potluck lunch, as were returning members Janet, Suzette, and Mary J. New member Alice Behnke was introduced. (2) Joan M. was unwell from new medication and could not attend. (3) Frank Kells is now confined to a wheel chair. (3) An illustrated timeline created by Lew was handed out.

June 19: 31 present. (1) Linda Alam’s husband, Jim, was introduced. (2) Lew extended an apology for Platinum office personnel who had been invited to the anniversary party, none attended; they were too busy! (2) Hospice people are helping Al Taylor at home. (3) Frank Wells is losing his speech. (4) It was suggested that we reduce our business discussions to once per month but no such motion was made and the subject was dropped.

June 26: 30 present. (1) Vi contributed groceries that were unused at her party to the Marana Food Bank along with $240 donated by guests in cash and checks. Another $40 had been donated privately by members. (2) Over $20,000 was collected at a silent auction and other events for a young girl’s expensive operations. (3) Barbara H. announced that $500 obtained from sale of the old CRCA computers had been donated to the Marana Food Bank.

July 3: 26 present. (1) Joan M’s son was introduced. (2) Alice said we have 64 members at this date.

July 10: 27 present. (1) Mike was welcomed back. (2) Ed A. was to return home in a wheel chair from Life Care on Friday.

July 24: 29 present. (1) Donna Harper was introduced. (2) Margie was recovering from a rotor cuff opera­tion. (3) Al T. uses a scooter to move around.

July 31: 33 present. (1) Al Taylor’s death was discussed. Joan T. read some of his many accomplishments. Al and Mary were among the first members of SCRCR after meeting with Janet, Pearl and Willie. $130 was collected and given to Mary. (2) Joan T. surmised that many members had stories to tell and Bo suggested that we should initiate a series of stories. (3) Waste Management is running a pound for pound goods drive for the Marana Food Bank. (4) After the meeting, Meg McLeish of the library related some of the features.

August 7: 33 present. (1) Ex-member Ruby Lee was introduced. (2) Ed A. was well enough to go to the Elks Lodge for a meal. (3) Mary J. has had a heart pacemaker installed.

August 14: 38 present. (1) Former visitors Helen & Herman Koenig were introduced. (2) Bob is seeing much better after cataract removal. (3) Frank K. is now in full-care. (4) A photographer was present to se~ the large amount collected for the Marana Food bank. (4) Frank K. donated a wheel chair for SCRCR use.

August 21: 30 present. (1) Pearl called to say that she was OK after the Florida hurricane.

September 4: 37 present. (1) Barbara G. was welcomed back. (2) A proposal to have more outings on Thursdays was abandoned after it was pointed out that many members don’t go on trips and we would miss the regular health updates. damp weather, today’s planned trip to Old Tucson was postponed. (4) One of our favorites, the Monsoon Restaurant, was closing due to the economy and other causes.

September 11: 38 present. (1) A proposed puppet-making effort for the library was halted. (2) Magda read a letter of thanks from Ronald McDonald house; she had given 27 lbs of aluminum tabs that we had collected. (3) Ed and Carol announced their 53rd anniversary.

September 18: 36 present. (1) Karen said that she had to be absent for several weeks. Carol took over her duties. (2) Mary T. was complimented for the excellent presentation at Al’s memorial. Mary thanked SCRCR for the assistance and attendance.

September 25: 28 present. (1) Joan T. mentioned that a couple of former member would like to rejoin. (2) Monsoon restaurant opened in Benner’s old place.

October 2: 38 present. (1) Ed & Colette were welcomed back as members.

October 9: 32 present. (1) Per SCRCR bylaws requirement that it be held in October, a full slate of officers for 2009 was nominated.

October 23: 32 present. (1) Rich and Val Roberts from California were introduced. (2) Lew and Agnes celebrated their 58th anniversary. (3) Lew said that there had been no response from the office regarding his request for 4-person tables. (3) Lew and Agnes were honored by AARP for four years of volunteering at the AARP Information Office. (3) Edna ran out of gas and her card would not work at Costco and she had no cash. An attendant used his own card and pumped $10; she reimbursed him later. The attendant’s name was forwarded to the Costco head office for recognition of his act. (4) Suzette’s grandson was home from Iraq.

October 30: 29 present. (1) Suzanne told us that a pudding packaged in China caused food poisoning. (2) One lane of Silverbell was reopening on Saturday.

November 6: 41 present. (1) Lew & Agnes’s son Allan from Connecticut was introduced. He totally sur­prised them by showing up at the door.

November 13: 34 present. (1) Joan and Frank returned from her trip in Ireland. (2) Frank K. is beginning to lose use of his other side now. (2) After the meeting we stuffed parcels for overseas military; a photographer from Marana News was present. We had five personal addresses. (3) Edna suggested inviting HOA board members and Stratford office personnel to our holiday potluck. No dissenters, so Lew was authorized to send invitations. (4) Barbara L. related an experience at Bank of America when she discovered that her Social Se­curity number had been used by another person.

November 20: 34 present. (1) Colette introduced her daughter-in-law Judy. (2) Gladys was heading to Chi­cago where her sister was in the final stages of cancer. (2) Agnes was OK after tests for a spot on her liver proved there was no problem. (3) Don V. had two surgeries and is doing well. (4) Thirteen boxes were sent to our military overseas.

December 4: 40 present. (1) Lew mentioned that his suggestion was approved by the HOA board; that they provide links to our two web sites.

December 11: 42 present. (1) Vi had a trip to the ER but was now back at home. (2) Gladys is still with her sister. (3) Janet and Frank are in separate apartments because Frank is now totally helpless and has to be in the full-time-care section. (3) The potluck was a success but, through a communications glitch, the HOA in­vitation was misconstrued as being for its president only, although his staff had been included. (4) Elaine and Chuck are now totally housebound because of his further deterioration into the Alzheimer’s nightmare.

December 18: 39 present. (1) A great Christmas party was attended by 41 members and 10 guests. The fol­lowing were incurred to date: Total expenditure was $1,302.78. Major costs were: Elks lodge $828.75; Sup­plies $124.03; Band $350. Minor adjustments remained. The same band was recommended for next year. (2) In response to a major theft in the Marana Food Bank, Betty announced that we had donated 135 lbs of food, $71 in cash, and $325 in checks. (3) Frank delivered our toys to the school system. (3) Because of cold, damp weather, today’s trip to Old Tucson was postponed. (4) One of our favorites, the Monsoon Restaurant, was closing due to the economy and other causes.