Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events
2007 Officers: Joan Travis-Triumph -- President;
Alice King -- Vice-President;
Lew MacDonald -- Secretary;
Ernie Krause – Treasurer.
Coordinators: Barbara Herron – Activities; Mike & Sue Rebro -- Host & Hostess; Frank Triumphh – Philanthropy; Shirley Mead & Betty Bolin – Refreshments; Joan Marchese – Sunshine; Magda Quiros -- Historian.
January 4: 39 present. JoAnn presented each outgoing and incoming officer in turn. Lew mentioned that he would continue with the timeline part of the historian function. ‚ Sue and Mike introduced new member Carol Williams; Rose Briggs was welcomed back.
January 11: 28 present. Ernie’s brother passed away. ‚ Frank T. asked members for addresses of friends, families, or local people, who were serving overseas so that we could send gifts directly to them. ƒ The Gandhi dinner was canceled – lack of interest. „ Janet mentioned that Frank W. has tremors similar to Parkinson’s.
January 18: 38 present. Kathryn (?) was introduced as a potential member. ‚ Recovered or recovering from ailments were John, Donna, Debbie, Agnes, Alba, and Bo. ƒ Mike offered to have a look at reviving the web site, which Lew had quit editing in 2005.
January 25: 37 present. Frank K. had fallen and broken his collar bone. This turned out to be false, only severely strained.
February 8: Lew was off with a back problem. ‚ Joan M is having surgery for ovarian cancer. Karen’s husband is in ICU. ƒ We are not supposed to have more than 10% of non-CRCA members.
February 15: 39 present. Gretchen & Jim Hagemeier and Barbara Bartels joined the club. ‚ Joan M. is doing OK. ƒ Karen’s husband has to go to Healthsouth for therapy. „ In 2006 we sent 516 lbs of food and $195 in checks to the Marana food bank. … Seven went to AZ Opry. † Al L. is preparing new SCRCR logos.
February 22: 38 present. Karen’s husband John died last week. A collection was held in his memory ($100). ‚ New bylaws were passed creating categories of special membership, honorary and provisional. Also quorum was reduced to 40%. ƒ New logos were adopted.
March 8: 36 present. (1) We have 81 paid members. (2) Tony had bronchitis and Mary J. was having foot problems. (3) Eight went to the zoo. Other members stayed in the center to play games. (3) There were concerns about the gas station going onto Twin Peaks road. (4) Trips were made to the Bowen House and Madera Canyon.
March 15: 40 Present. (1) Barbara, a guest of Sue and Mike, was introduced. (2) Vi, Don V. and Tony were present after bouts of illness. (3) Janet and Frank are having a hard time. (4) Connie was in hospital with heart problems. (5) Mary J. has hardening of the arteries. (6) 23 went to the ball game. (2) SCRCR Logos were handed out. (8) The civil war reenactment at Picacho Peak was well attended. (9) Richard was going through difficult experiences after surgery for a macular hole in his eye.
March 22: ?? present. (1) Peggy was welcomed back after an absence. (2) Janet and Frank are now in assisted living quarters. (3) John was home after surgery. (4) Members were participating in signing a petition re the Circle-K station. (5) Local graffiti was discussed. (6) The Rowdy readers book was “Children of Men”.
March 29: 42 present. (1) Frank W. was out of hospital. (2) Marge had unexplained nausea problems.
(3) Gladys had to go to look after her sister who has cancer. (4) Rowdy Readers current book is “Memory Creepers”.
April 5: 31 present. (1) Gene is out of hospital but is not very well. (2) Sue is going for radiation treatment. (3) Richard is recovering.
April 12: 26 present – low! (1) Gene now has to use a wheelchair. (2) Betty was having eye surgery. (3) Don V. had to have another series of shots in his good eye. (4) Vi has to undergo bladder surgery. (5) Only three went to Willow for lunch. (It was decided to switch to Outback instead of Lazy K. (7) Marana Council and the CRCA appreciated our help at the Hip-Hop.
Apnl 19: 37 present. (1) Gene had been in hospital again but is now out and walking with a cane. (2) Dan had three vertebrae fused. (3) Eight went to wine tasting then lunch at Wild Flower. (4) Re Circle-K: Petitions of about 1,500 were presented to the council. ~ Rowdy Readers’ book is “Memory keeper’s Daughter”.
April 26: 29 present. (1) Vi’s daughter was introduced. (2) Mary J. had leg surgery. (3) Frank W. is back in hospital. (4) Sue has less pain but is still unwell.
May 3: 40 present. (1) Mike and Bess Kelly were introduced. (2) Jimmy Dixon has left. (3) Mary J. in rehab is going to her daughter’s house. (4) Frank W. was home again. ... We had a CPR presentation conducted by Barbara Shapiro of the Red Cross.
May 10: 30 present. (1) Mary J. was home and needing assistance. (2) Gene had passing-out experiences and cannot drive any more. He hopes to make it to the JuLy birthdays when he will be 86. (3) El-don gave a farewell speech.
May 17: 38 present. (1) Gene Sirak passed away last week after having a hard time for several weeks. (2) Fourteen ate lunch at the Firebird and seventeen had dinner at the Outback where they had excellent service and meals. (3) Mary J. was back in hospital. (4) Sue is still in hospital. (5) $100 was collected as a memorial to Gene.
May 24: 40 present. (1) Walter Ross read a eulogy for Gene; there had been no wake or memorial service and his ashes had been scattered in the desert. 2. (2) Joan T. returned after surgery. (3) Sue returned home today. (4) Eldon’s house was sold after a few days.
May 31: 32 present. (1) Bruce and Shirley Merrill resigned for personal reasons. (2) Sue went to Carondolet for better pain management. (3) Joan 1. addressed a farewell speech to Eldon and photos were taken.
June 7: 31 present. (1) Joan T. read the Arizona Star obituary for Sue Rebro who died on June 3. It will be placed in the album. A collection of $116 was donated to Bettendorf library as her memorial from SCRCR. (2) Gladys came back after a lengthy absence. (3) Alice reported that we had 75 members.
June 14: 29 present. (1) Mary T. had a colonoscopy. (2) Joan and Frank moved to their new house. (3) Joan T. suggested that we obtain addresses of military personnel from member who had relatives or friends overseas.
June 21: 33 present. (1) Walt and John were chefs at a SCRCR cookout in Christopher Columbus Park. (2) A motion passed that we would pay postage for the overseas parcels.
June 28: 29 present. (1) Frank W. is confined to a wheelchair and his health is deteriorating. He and Janet moved to an assisted living facility.
July 5: 31 present. (1) Al L’Heureux has Multiple Myeloma as does our other Al (Taylor). (2) Margie thanked us for Sunday’s surprise 70th birthday party.
July 12: 42 present. (1) Friday’s dinner at Gay’s was good. (2) Lunch at Bubb’s Grub was canceled through Lack of interest. (3) Plans for Circle-K at Twin Peaks have been put on hold but not abandoned.
July 26: 33 present. (1) New member Ins Jennings was introduced. (2) Mary J’5 driving privileges have been withdrawn. (3) The Casino bus was canceled but 15 went in cars. (4) Members were asked to provide names of service personnel to whom parcels could be sent. (5) A second appointment for lunch at Bubb’s Grub was kept and enjoyed. (6) In a discussion about Christmas dinner several members expressed dissatisfaction with last year’s buffet dinner and some indicated that they would prefer not to return there.
August 2: 38 present. (1) Future meetings will not be at the center, which is being renovated. (2) Mary J is moving to the Fountains. (3) After the meeting a group of volunteers stuffed twelve P.O. boxes for delivery to six service personnel associated with our members. Other members paid $90 for the postage. All the contents were provided by members and there was enough left over to fill a few other boxes. (4) A motion passed that the unused 60-cup coffee-maker In the kitchen be donated to Desert Son Church.
August 9: 41 present. (1) Four new members were introduced: David Hoefke, Fran Lombardo, and Bess & Mike Kelly.
August 16: 35 present. (I) Lunch at Heritage Highlands was joined by Dove Mountain seniors, some of whom are former SCRCR members. (2) Gladys announced that her son John, a captain in the Army, had received our parcels OK. (3) A suggestion that Dove Mountain seniors join our group did not receive much support - ninety-five was too big a crowd. No motion was made.
August 30: 28 present. (1) Held in Desert Son Church. (2) Joan C. returned home. (3) Gladys’s son sent pictures with thanks for the presents.
September 6: 30 present in Frank a Joan’s house. (1) Agnes is getting a new hip on Wednesday. (2) Don B. Is having skin surgery. (3) Joan said that one of the military packages was returned unopened. (4) A motion passed to invite Dove Mountain Seniors to our Christmas party as guests who WILL pay $20; our members pay $15.
September 20: 33 present at the church. (1) A dinner adventure at Super Suppers was well attended. (2) Agnes is recovering from hip surgery.
September 27: 27 present at the church. (1) Joan 1. thanked the church for their cooperation and Bo & Betty for organizing it.
October 11: 28 present at the church again. (1) Bo, having chest and jaw pain, thought he had a heart attack but the hospital said it was not. (2) Edna’s motion to donate $100 to the church passed unanimously.
October 18: 28 present in the center again. (1) Lew, as acting President, read some rules about new features in the building. (2) Confusion was expressed about the flood pLain and we should get more data on it. John will contact Marana.
October 25: 33 present. (1) Judy Filarecki joined. (2) A card, thanking us for the presents, was read from Lew & Agnes’s granddaughter on board the USS Nimitz in the middle east. (3) Difficulty in getting a 50% quorum was discussed.
November 1: 49 present. (1) Joan T. Introduced Russ CLanagan, Gus Myers, and Maurice Reyna, who addressed us regarding the Marana flood plain. Other subjects were Twin Peaks Road intersection to 1-10 starting last quarter of 2008, widening of SilverbelL from Jan-Dec of 2008. Excellent hand-outs were distributed and a much abbreviated meeting followed. (2) Larry & Kathryn Susi joined the club. (3) Vi was doing well after cataract surgery. (3) Frank delivered 49 lbs to the Marana Food bank. (4) Since it was already established at 40% there was no need to change the quorum. (5) Permission to hang the flag on the well was denied.
November 8: 32 present. (1) William Roberts and Nila Horton were signed up as members.
November 15: 40 present. (1) Joan introduced her dad, Irv Marks. (2) Hilde had an operation on her leg. (3) Lew had LASIK surgery on both eyes. (4) We are going to request two large round tables and permission to hang the flag. Hanging the memorial plaque on the wall was disallowed. (5) Magda got an award for her help at Sunflower during the election. (6) The trash controversy was discussed.
November 29: 40 present. (1) Frank got a substantial check for the food bank. (2) Eldon has hurt his back. He is at 136 Wendwood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028. (3) Thanks to all who participated in the Fall Festival.
December 6: 33 present. (1) Connie Morris died Last week; she had been a member for many years. (2) Debbie is recovering from foot surgery. (3) Vi had cataract surgery. (4) Frank gave 156 Lbs of food to the Food Bank along with checks for $125. (5) We packed parcels for the military in Iraq. (6) 45 had signed up for the Christmas party including 8 from Dove Mountain.
December 13: 32 present. (1) Al T. was back after a short hospital visit. (2) Joan M. said one of her two tumors was gone. (3) Joan T faxed a letter of thanks to the home board.
December 20: 27 present. (1) Frank had knee surgery. (2) Joan T. delivered the toys to the school. (3) A rowdy overflowed meeting was discussed at length. It took place regarding “oust the board and Platinum”. They had 1500+ signatures. (4) Thanks were extended to Frank, Joan and the Crafts ladies, for the nice Christmas party.
December 27: 23 present. (1) Ed is having hormone therapy for cancer of the prostate which was going into his bones. (2) One of two parcels sent to Don 0’s grandson was returned.