Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events
A car symbol v indicates a trip; a camera symbol µ means that a photo is available in our album.
2003 Officers:
Bo Bolin -- President;
Walt Ross – Vice-President;
Joan Marchese -- Secretary;
Stan Stein – Treasurer.
Coordinators: Sandy Padilla & Gladys Pope – Activities; Helen Cullison – Hostess; Al Taylor – Philanthropy; Alba Peart – Kitchen until July, then JoAnn Ross; Magda Quiros – Sunshine; Lew MacDonald – Historian (15-May-03).
02-Jan-2003….. Debra & Ernie Krause joined. ‚ Al Taylor received $120 of donations for our needy family. ƒ Art & Jan Norlin mentioned that they had visited Pearl in Florida. „ We formed a committee to revise the bylaws. It comprised Suzette Stein (chairperson), Al Taylor, Colette Dubsky, Edna Coburn, and Lew MacDonald.
09-Jan-2003…..v 10 went to the Foothills Mall for a movie and lunch. ‚ On the 6th, 22 people met at Mountain View where all enjoyed an excellent dinner.
16-Jan-2003….. Al Taylor reported that our needy family had returned to Mexico; we will continue to support the Marana Food Bank. ‚ Suzette mentioned that the bylaws rules committee had met on the 10th and 15th of January and their proposed changes would be passed out on February 23rd. ƒ It was moved that an office of Historian be added; this passed unanimously. „ Edna announced that the new format of the Windmill would allow only two columns for Seniors. … Bo announced a meeting at Sunflower regarding formation of an AARP chapter in the area.
23-Jan-2003….. 40 present. We introduced new members Rosemary & Jim Collins. Bob Vantrepotte is doing OK after eye surgery. ‚ Arline Seickowski’s mother died. ƒ Betty Bolin was present at today’s meeting and was feeling fine after her stomach surgery. „ We donated $100 for the funeral of Quinton, the young child who had died. † A fashion show was to be held after today’s meeting. ‡ Eight ladies went to the Sew-a-Thon on Saturday 4th and sewed duffle bags for needy children.
30-Jan-2003….. 43 present. George and Wina Hohwart were introduced. ‚Thanks were extended to Jackie Sirak for the successful fashion show.
13-Feb-2003….. vThe Gem Show was not a hit. Some turned back because of parking. Lunch at Garcia’s was not a hit either. It was suggested that we do not list the Gem Show in future activities.
18-Feb-2003….. v28 attended the Gaslight Theater and enjoyed it.
20-Feb-2003….. vOnly 4 were known to have gone to the rodeo. Next time (if any) do not choose Parade Day.
27-Feb-2003….. 31 present. Dixie and Ernie Slautur were introduced along with Frank Triumph and his friend Ron. ‚ Bonnie is recuperating from a broken arm. ƒ A motion to provide eggs for the Easter hunt was approved. A sign-up sheet was set up for egg donations and Easter Hunt help. „ Bo announced that Platinum Management would be taking over the CRCA management job.
06-Mar-2003….. v42 went to the baseball game and had a good time but the Diamond Backs lost. The Renaissance Fair trip was canceled through lack of interest. ‚ 26 went to dinner and a show at Hidden Valley Inn on the 4th.
13-Mar-2003….. 33 present. Ray Ciancio had a car accident and also is recuperating from pneumonia. ‚ The spot on Peggy Haney’s lung is probably residual from Valley Fever. ƒ Vi is picking up the dye for the Easter eggs and Lew is donating 500 plastic gloves. „ Janet suggested that we participate in next year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. … Ed Altmann suggested that we attend a memorial celebration for the Marines who lost their lives in the Osprey crash in Marana.
15-Mar-2003….. Revised and approved SCRCR Bylaws and Job Descriptions were distributed. Lew was elected Historian.
20-Mar-2003….. 42 present for birthdays. Joan Triumph was introduced, also Claudia Zappa and her friend Edith. ‚ Sandy Padilla mentioned that 8 went to the Mesa Swap Meet.
30-Mar-2003….. 25 went to the Triple C Chuck Wagon and had a great evening.
03-Apr-2003….. 30 present. Al Taylor took 37 lbs of food and a check from Bo and Betty to the Food Bank.
10-Apr-2003….. 32 present. Priscilla and Bob Flores were introduced. ‚ A thank you note was read from AVIVA, the children’s services where members took part in a Sew-A-Thon. ƒ A rules change for the Casino means that we will need to supply names and membership numbers. „ Dinner for June 9 was changed to El Corral. … Ed Dubsky moved and Suzette seconded a motion that we not add a change to the bylaws regarding disruptive members – passed unanimously. † A discussion ensued about Anna having been severed from her position (as was Edna and several others). The changes were said to be due to budget cuts by the new management company.
17-Apr-2003….. 41 present. Alice Ridenour was introduced. ‚ On April 10, 32 people ate at Mama Louise’s and had excellent service and food. ƒ vOn 11 April, 24 members went to the Casinos; Magda won – again! „ At the Easter egg party, a rumor was heard that our club does not welcome Marana Seniors Group members. Bo said that he would straighten that out. (See ‚ on 05/01/03.) µ
24-Apr-2003….. v26 members enjoyed a potluck picnic lunch at the Christopher Columbus Park. µ
01-May-2003….. 32 present. Jan Norlin’s sister-in-law from Colorado was introduced. ‚ Thirteen members of the Marana Seniors joined us for Pizza Day on the treasury, followed by games. ƒ It was announced that Lew’s efforts as the club Historian may be viewed on the internet at
08-May-2003….. 26 present. Bob Willis from Florida and Rod Groupmann from Minnesota were introduced. ‚ A thank-you note for our help in the Hip Hop Holiday from the City of Marana was read. We had contributed, cooked, and hand colored several thousand eggsµ. ƒ Linda was feeling better after her epidural shot. „ Al L’Heureux was having nine teeth removed. … We had a thank-you note from the Marana Food Bank for our donations. † Our new management (Platinum) restricted our use of the copier after the tacit approval that we had had in exchange for the many years of varied services that we had voluntarily done for the center. (In one of our efforts, about 15 of our members did the actual run-off and collating of 1,200 copies of the Windmill magazine with 13 inserts in one afternoon when an emergency arose). ‡ Bo had thought of acquiring a ream of paper but, although no motion or count was made, some members vehemently opposed this. (See item ‚ on May 22.)
09-May-2003….. v17 went to the Casinos. 15 went to dinner at the dog track on May 10. There were no big winners.
15-May-2003….. 35 present. Helen Cullison introduced Pattie and Louie Martinez. ‚ Helen White joined. ƒ 18 went to a Picacho Peak picnic arranged by JoAnn and Walt Ross, helped by Ed & Colette Dubsky. µ
22-May-2003….. 31 present. Al Taylor read a thank-you note from the Marana Food Bank for 15 lbs of food and a second note of thanks for miscellaneous items. ‚ The copier problem was resolved. ƒ Alba was going to Italy, Agnes will take over until she returns.
29-May-2003….. v15 went to Foothills Mall for a movie and lunch.
05-Jun-2003….. v25 went to the Toy Train Museum and 29 met for lunch at the Elbow Room.
09-Jun-2003….. 27 had dinner at El Corral and enjoyed good food and excellent service.
12-Jun-2003….. 31 present. Eva Morfi from Yonkers was introduced as a member. ‚ Lee has had a bad asthma attack.
19-Jun-2003..... 27 present. Lee has phlebitis on her leg but was given the OK to go to California. ‚ A sympathy card was sent to Gladys whose sister had died. ƒ Al T. took 56 lbs of food to the food bank with a bag of clothes and a check from Armando and Magda. „ Walt and JoAnn delivered food from the store to the bank and said that more volunteers were needed. … The Laughlin trip was canceled until the fall. † Susan was thanked for taking care of the Album which in turn has been taken over by Lew. ‡ There were 13 at the Gallery for lunch on Sunday. ˆ Aryce and James Mooty returned to AZ. ‰ Helen and Eldon handed out 72 flags at Marana Health Center. Š Margie is in WA State, heading for Alaska.
26-Jun-2003….. vSixteen ladies went to Chantilly tearoom while six men went to the Air Museum on a hot day µ.
03-Jul-2003….. 35 present. James and Aryce Mooty were visiting; they are back in Tucson. ‚ Marana food bank thanked us for 17 lbs of food. ƒ Laughlin trip was postponed until October. „ Concerns were expressed re costs of the new addition. … Whether Sunflower would secede from Continental Ranch was briefly discussed. † Lew provided a printout of the SCRCR02 web site (stationery paid for by the treasury). It will be updated periodically on the web.
10-Jul-2003….. 33 present. Edna’s granddaughter is quite sick and in Phoenix for tests. ‚ On Tuesday, 21 went to the Metropolitan Grill for dinner. Service and food were both great. ƒ Alba quit as Kitchen coordinator and Joann took over from Agnes who had done it since May.
17-Jul-2003….. 33 present. Al and Mary Taylor were away for his brother’s funeral. ‚ Edna’s granddaughter is not doing as well as expected after her Phoenix tests. ƒ Lee’s phlebitis is back. „ Char White elaborated on trips to Rocky point and the Crystal Cathedral. … $500 was budgeted for our Christmas party to be held at the Elks Club. Chaired by Ed Dubsky, other members of the committee are Colette Dubsky, Don and Vi Vosburg, Joann Ross, and Eldon Cullison. † $100 check was to be sent to Mt Lemmon fire department.
31-Jul-2003….. 34 present. Margie Walp returned from her Alaskan trip. ‚ On July 29, 30 went to the Gaslight Theater and 22 had dinner at El Minuto. ƒ Christmas dinner costs will be $9 per member and $16 per guest. Vi moved and Carol seconded a motion that another $150 be budgeted for contingencies. Approved unanimously.
07-Aug-2003….. 35 present. Bo announced that the copier would no longer be available to us. ‚ Janet announced that she is going to be married in October.
14-Aug-2003….. 39 present. Police Chief Richard Vidauri gave a short talk. ‚ Tony Cerasani joined the club. ƒ v34 went to the Casino on the 8th and 15 went to dinner at Ye Olde Lantern and the Vagabond show on the 9th. .
21-Aug-2003….. 38 present. Suzette is still unwell. ‚ Bo visited Ronald McDonald house; they need volunteers; Magda said she would handle translations. ƒ 17 went to China Phoenix and had lots of good food and excellent service. „ $66,000 had been collected for the Mt Lemmon fire truck; we contributed $100. … Police Officers Bob Bereiter and John Destephano asked for input on how to help the community. † Talicia was introduced as the new activities coordinator.
28-Aug-2003….. 37 present. Suzette is in the Heart Hospital for tests. ‚ Al Taylor requested magazines and sundry goods for the Elks Club. ƒ Agnes had cataract surgery in one eye and is doing well.
04-Sep-2003….. 35 present. Barbara Bartels joined, Barbara Levovich was visiting. ‚ Agnes was back with two good eyes! ƒ The copier problem was resolved. „ Suzette was still undergoing tests.
11-Sep-2003….. 39 present. Rosemary Feraco was introduced. ‚ 46 members are signed up for Xmas dinner.
18-Sep-2003….. 47 present. Phyllis & Dennis Westerlin were introduced; also visiting was Mary Mooney. ‚ Ronald McDonald House tour was taken by 8 members. ƒ There will be a concert in the park on Friday. „ An excellent CPR demonstration was presented by Eddie Padilla, Tony and Sandy’s son.
25-Sep-2003….. 37 present. A former member, Mary Geise, was introduced, also a new prospect, Barbara Burgin. ‚ In lieu of a gift to Janet for her wedding, we approved a $50 donation in her name to be given to the Lions Club for their program which helps blind people.
02-Oct-2003…..41 present. Phyllis Westerlin was introduced. ‚ It was noted that Ed Geise had also joined last week. ƒ Stan mentioned that Suzette had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. „ Ed Altmann volunteered to deliver magazines, etc. to his Elks Club. 5. Linda DiPalma announced startup of a hiking club.
16-Oct-2003….. 39 present. A former member, Chris Gabel, was introduced. ‚ vSandy said 25 had gone to the Casino, Connie won $600. ƒ Ed Dubsky announced that 66 had signed up for the Christmas dinner. „ Jill asked for volunteers for the Haunted House and for the Craft fair.
10-Oct-2003….. 42 present. Frank Kells, Janet’s fiancé, was introduced. ‚ A letter of thanks was read from the Mount Lemmon Fire Dept for our contribution. ƒ Walt said that our membership was now 79. „ A former member, Tom Rudkin, passed away.
30-Oct-2003….. v We shared a potluck spooky lunch for Halloween with the Marana Seniors at Marana. An outdoors pavilion had been decorated and set up but it was so windy and dusty that we adjourned to the center where a good time was had by all. Music was provided and we had a sing-along. A few agile people danced. Prizes were given for dressing up. µ
11-Nov-2003….. 45 present. Visitors Pat McAllister, Mary Buchenholz, and Isabel Graham (a former member). ‚ Joined today: Wilma Hamel and Lou Roberts. ƒ Mary Taylor is doing well after shoulder surgery. „ Suzette is doing better on antibiotics. … v25 went to the casino and 36 went to the Gaslight Theater. † Linda reported that the hiking club did 8 miles in Sabino Canyon. ‡ Franks Kells recited his own poem about the romance between him and Janet.
04-Dec-2003….. 47 present. Donna and Dan St. John joined; Mary Robertson was visiting. ‚ A new slate of officers was unanimously elected, except the Refreshments Coordinator for which there was no nominee. See next year’s time line.
11-Dec-2003….. 36 present. Sandra and Jim Cox joined. ‚ Edna said that the San Diego trip was good and Char was an excellent tour guide. ƒ Joining this month were Rosemarie Feraco, Sandra & James Cox, and Donna & Dan St. John.
18-Dec-2003….. 33 present. Ed Dubsky reported that there were 62 people at the 12th of December Christmas party which was held in the Tucson Elks Lodge and catered by them. A good time was had by all. Gene led the group in Christmas songs. Small gifts were given out by Vi and Colette to people whose names were drawn out of a box. Santa Bob and Santa Bo distributed our donations of Christmas gifts which were later delivered to the Marana Schools’ program for needy children. The beautiful Christmas table center pieces (made by a committee of members) were won by people whose chairs had been pre-marked. This was a very successful and enjoyable Christmas evening, helped no doubt by the “no-host” bar. A few people took pictures, many of which can be seen in the club album µ. ‚ No member having accepted the Kitchen Coordinator nomination, Agnes MacDonald volunteered to do it. JoAnn Ross moved and Frank Triumph seconded a motion which was passed unanimously.