Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events.
Note: A car symbol v indicates a trip; a camera symbol ยต means that a photo is available.
1998 Officers: Lew MacDonald, -- President; Edna Coburn, Secretary; Gene Sirak --Treasurer. Coordinators: Betty Bolin -- Activities; Arline Sieckowski -- Hospitality; Suzette Stein --Hostess; Agnes MacDonald -- Supplies.
01/09/98..... Triple-C Chuck Wagon for dinner. About 30 attended.
01/15/98..... vCasino of the Sun trip. Canceled, not enough interest.
01/15/98..... Amendments to bylaws and job descriptions approved.
01/22/98..... Contribution sent to the Cancer Society in memory of a popular member, the late Woody Walp.
02/05/98..... Ghost Ranch Lodge for dinner.
02/12/98..... vTucson Gem Show. Lunch at Carlos Murphy's.
02/19/98..... vFiesta de los Vaqueros Rodeo.
02/26/98..... (1) Introduced Fred & Mary Lee Kopesky. (2) Due to disappointment with service at Ghost Ranch Lodge it was suggested that we should have a performance card for each event. This was turned down because some people actually liked the service. We will just not vote to go to undesirable places.
03/05/98..... Gaslight Theater, 24 went. Dinner at Macayo's, 19 went.
03/05/98..... vReid Park Zoo trip, 6 went.
03/12/98..... Introduced Otto & Ilse Bayer.
03/14/98..... vCivil War Reenactment at Picacho Peak. 8 adults with 4 children went. Al T. & Bob V. climbed the peak.
03/19/98..... vBisbee trip 10 went.
03/22/98..... vLaughlin trip. Members provided taxi service for 10 going (to avoid leaving cars overnight).
04/02/98..... vCasino of the Sun, 14 went.
04/03/98..... Metropolitan Grill for dinner, 10 went.
04/09/98..... vPima County Fair Senior Citizen Day.
04/30/98..... vChristopher Columbus Park for picnic lunch. Activities were fishing, horseshoes, & table games.
05/01/98..... Silverado restaurant for dinner. Fair!
05/14/98..... vMadera Canyon picnic.
05/21/98..... Member Fred Williams died on 19th May. A check was sent to the Cancer Society.
05/21/98..... CRCA had a delivery emergency, so 15 members volunteered and stuffed 1,600 Windmill packages with 13 inserts in 2 hours. We had been doing this for several months.
05/23/98..... Gaslight Theater for Sherlock Holmes. Dinner at Macayo's.
05/28/98..... vAmerind Foundation Museum trip.
06/04/98..... A thank you note for our condolences on Fred's demise was read from Louise Williams
06/05/98..... Charles Restaurant for early bird dinner, 14 went. It was expensive but great.
06/11/98..... vWild Life Museum trip. Lunch in cafeteria. Five went.
06/25/98..... vCasino of the Sun. Marlene was the big winner.
07/06/98..... vKitt Peak trip. No one went.
07/10/98..... China Phoenix dinner, 12 went.
07/23/98..... vUA "Path of Life" tour. Lunch out. Six people went and lunched after at Momma's Pizza.
07/30/98..... Today was to be a luncheon in Lee & Ray's honor as they were leaving for Phoenix but they could not attend. A Barnes & Noble gift certificate was to be given to them instead.
08/01/98..... Gaslight Theater for "Beach Blanket Bebop". Dinner at Macayo's.
08/07/98..... Cibaria's for dinner, 16 went.
08/13/98..... A signup sheet was prepared for food delivery for Galen who had been disabled in an accident.
08/27/98..... Decided to provide food to Galen for two more weeks.
09/03/98..... vCasino of the Sun. Several winners.
09/05/98..... vBaseball at Tucson Electric Park. Rained out but a good dinner was had at La Fuente.
09/10/98..... Introduced Hal & Mary Fritz. Marge welcomed home after absence.
09/12/98..... vWillcox trip for fruit and vegetables was a success.
10/02/98..... vTucson Greyhound Park for dinner and races, 10 went. Food was good in their new restaurant.
10/08/98..... vDeGrazia Gallery trip and lunch out. After lunch, we visited Indian Territory Gift Shop.
10/15/98..... Arline delivered a gift to Gene Sirak who had a mild heart attack.
10/15/98..... U.S. Travel in Tucson gave refreshments and a talk. Fritzs and MacDonalds won mugs in their raffle.
10/22/98..... vPhoenix Mall shopping, 7 went. Lunch at Rain Forest -- food and service were disappointing.
10/23/98..... Gaslight Theater for "Secret Agent Man". Dinner at Macayo's.
10/29/98..... vSabino Canyon Picnic, 7 went.
11/05/98..... Introduced Armando & Magda Quiros and Larry & Pat Senick. Welcomed back the Glimsdahls (snowbirds).
11/05/98..... Otto Bayer had what was thought to be a severe reaction to a flu shot which later turned out to be Valley Fever. Members were asked to send support to Ilse.
11/06/98..... Laff's Comedy Theater was canceled due to lack of interest.
11/12/98..... vDesert Museum trip.
12/03/98..... Welcomed back Eunice and Glen Griffin (snowbirds).
12/03/98..... An active week for Arline: Janet Knebel had hand surgery; Gene Beverly -- heart surgery; Bo Bolin -- knee replacement; Learta Boettcher -- sick; Otto Bayer -- moved to a care center (not doing well).
12/03/98..... No one would accept the secretary nomination for 1999. Lew MacDonald said he would do it if someone would do his president's job. James Mooty said that he would do it for a year.
12/04/98..... vGaslight Theater for "Give My Regards to Santa". Dinner at Macayo's. About 12 went.
12/10/98..... Lew announced that Otto Bayer had died the previous evening. A check was sent to Ilse.
12/19/98..... Christmas dinner party, co-chairs Vi Johnson and Marlene Pfeuffer. White elephant gift exchange.