Tuesday, January 1, 1991

Duteis of Officers/Coordinators


Prior to accepting a position or nomination for a position, members will review the tasks involved to ascertain personal qualification and/or ability to perform the tasks required.

1. Preside over all meetings and officially represent SCRCR at all functions.
2. Sign any authorized legal/contractual papers.
3. Appoint temporary chairmen/committees as needed (i.e. The Windmill writer, Nominating Committee, Holiday Party Committee, Bylaws Review Committee, replacement coordinators, etc).
4. Serve as ex-officio for all coordinators/committees except Nominating Committee.
5. Retain key control for the Center and supply cabinets, and responsibility for opening and locking the Center.

1. Preside over all meetings and represent SCRCR at all functions in the absence of the President.
2. Assume position of President if a vacancy occurs in that office.
3. Maintain a roster of members for distribution whenever significant changes have been made.
4. Provide a current attendance record (sign-in sheet).
5. Arrange for membership badges.
6. Encourage new/prospective members.
7. Contact inactive members routinely to determine needs or any other reason for non-participation.
8. Prepare monthly birthday listings and provide copies to Sunshine, Historian, and Refreshments Coordinators whenever changes have been made.
9. Perform other duties as requested by the President.

1. Prepare and distribute current meeting agendas.
2. Record the minutes for each meeting, with copies to be distributed at the next meeting.
3. Emailing minutes and agenda is optional.
4. Handle any correspondence as authorized by the President.
5. Maintain official files of the club.
6. Other duties as requested by the President.
7. Retain the current year’s minutes for two years. Record the records on digital storage media.

1. Maintain appropriate banking authorization for a checking account, and maintain a petty cash fund.
2. Both the Treasurer and President will have authorization to sign checks. (Both signatures on check are required for amounts of $250 or more.)
3. Record income and expenses and report all financial activity at each meeting, with an annual summary at the end of December.
4. Notify all officers when member's dues are paid, new members are accepted or any other changes affecting the membership roster.
5. Other duties as requested by the President.
6. Forward a copy of each new member’s application to the Vice-President by e-mail or other means.

1. Make arrangements for trips and activities other than those assigned to special committees.
2. Serve as contact person for scheduling information, changes, reservations, and carpooling.
3. Research possible activities and present suggestions at planning meetings held on a quarterly basis.
4. Combine activities as suggested in each quarterly planning meeting along with special committee functions and HOA activities for which we should be participating.
5. Prepare a finalized quarterly activities calendar for membership distribution.
6. Provide activities information to the Secretary weekly for the following week’s published agenda.
7. Appoint a committee as needed.

1. Welcome new attendees, introduce them, ensure that they are seated and invited to participate in after-meeting activities.
2. Have applicants complete a New Member form. Present each new paid member with a packet, containing bylaws, duties of officers/coordinators, activities calendar, and membership roster.

1. Contact members who are ill and/or in need of assistance. Arrange for temporary help and/or transportation as needed. Send appropriate cards. If a member is hospitalized as an in-patient; arrange for a token gift from the group, to be delivered upon returning home.
2. Provide birthday cards at monthly birthday celebrations and order cake.
3. Coordinate names/dates with the Vice-President to ensure that no one is omitted.

1. Purchase and maintain supplies in locked storage areas, with reimbursement from the Treasurer.
2. Coordinate a listing of refreshment hosts and assign responsibility at least one month in advance.
3. Remind at least one week prior to assignment. Refreshments are needed for every regular meeting. Refreshment Hosts duties include: making coffee, meeting set up, and clean up. Other members are expected to assist in cleanup.
4. Maintain kitchen storage locks.
5. Appoint a committee as needed.

1. Recommend projects and serve as contact person from SCRCR.
2. Determine immediate and long-range needs, and present a working plan.

1. Maintain record of significant events to be published and filed annually. Arrange for photo album of activities.
2. Record and maintain a record of all photographic events in permanent binders.
3. Arrange for collection of members’ photos and other pertinent articles. Store them in photo album.
4. Maintain a disposable camera on site or for designated trips.

Designated as the point of contact for the entire group in case of illness, emergency hospital/urgent care trips, vacations etc. He/she should be contacted to pass information to other members who may be able to respond to the circumstances.
(Approved March 2003; revised March 2010)




The name of this club is Senior Citizens/Retirees of Continental Ranch (SCRCR), founded in 1994.


Section 1) Purpose:
a) To provide fellowship and educational activities among residents living in Continental Ranch, help acquaint newcomers with the physical and cultural features of the community and assist our members as needed.

b) To support activities of the Continental Ranch Community Association with participation and volunteerism in the community.

Section 2) Policy:
The club is a 501(c)(7) nonprofit, nonpolitical organization and will not endorse or support politically partisan activities.


Section 1) CRCA Membership:
In keeping with current policy of the Continental Ranch Community Association (CRCA), 90% of the total membership must be residents of Continental Ranch. CRCA may request copies of club bylaws and membership rosters to assure compliance. Active membership cannot be fully determined until the March/April timeframe because of renewal dues date.

Section 2) Honorary Membership:
Honorary membership will be extended to members in good standing who, because of current need, must locate to an assisted living or other care facility outside of Continental Ranch.

Section 3) Non-Resident Membership:
SCRCR members currently residing outside the area, affected by the residency requirement, may be retained as members. No new members will be accepted who do not reside in the Continental Ranch community, until such time as the resident membership reaches 90%.

Section 4) Age Qualification:
Membership will be for senior and/or retired adults. The spouse/partner of a member may join regardless of age.

Section 5) Discrimination:
No person will be restricted because of race, creed or religion.

Section 6) Conduct:
Members will be expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and congenial manner.

Section 7) Support by Members:
Members are encouraged to support the authorized activities of CRCA by attendance and volunteerism.


Section 1) Full-time members:
Each full-time member will pay $2.00 per month, due semi-annually in January and July. Those joining in mid-term will pay for the period remaining in the six months.

Section 2) Temporary members:
Temporary or seasonal residents will be assessed for the number of months they will participate in club activities.

Section 3) Lapse of Membership:
Membership will lapse if dues are not paid 30 days after the due date.


Section 1) Meetings:
The Community Center is permanently reserved on Thursday mornings for SCRCR meetings and/or social activities. Additional activities/trips may also be scheduled.

Section 2) Attendance:
Attendance at meetings and activities will be limited to members, their guests, and invited speakers, as approved by the SCRCR elected Board Officers.

Section 3) Quorum:
A quorum for the conduct of business will consist of 40% of the current membership. A simple majority of any vote rules.


Section1) Elected Officers:
Officers include: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Duties outlined separately.

Section 2) Elected Coordinators:
Host/Hostess, Activities, Sunshine, Philanthropy, Refreshment, Communications Coordinator (Busybody), and Historian. Duties outlined separately.

Section 3) Elections and Assumption of Duties:
a) Elections conducted annually in October.
b) Assumption of duties in January.


Section 1) Amendments:
Proposed amendments to bylaws will be presented to the membership at least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. However, duties of coordinators may be amended according to officer/coordinator recommendation.

Section 2) Dissolution:
Proposed dissolution of the club will be presented to the membership at least one month prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. Determination of assets' disbursement will be by vote and will be made only to a reputable charitable organization. Pertinent records files will be placed in CRCA permanent files.

(Above bylaws approved at SCRCR regular meeting, 18 March 2010)