SKIP-BO, 1980 Version (Page Rev: 16-Feb-03)
The 1980 game is more challenging than later versions. Later decks have 6 fewer wild cards, but 1980 rules may still be applied to them. If you want to play the later simpler version, exclude options #1 and #2 and allow play from the four stacks (see sketch below) at any time.
Option #1: Alternating: This adds the complexity! Play only one card at a time from any one stack, i.e. alternate between stacks.
Option #2: Blocking: To block a potential going-out situation, allow an exception to be made to the alternating rule. Example: Say "Blocking M's move" and mention M's name.
Play: (1) Before playing, always take enough cards from the deck to make up to five in your hand. (2) Play a #1 card to start a center build pile or discard one in front of you if you cannot play. (3) Form your discards on up to four “helper” stacks. (4) Build four piles, from #1 up to #12, around the deck in the center. When build piles are completed, remove them. (5) Mix and re-use the completed build piles when the deck gets too low.
Discard: If you cannot play, or when finished playing, place a card on any one of your four “helper” stacks, always on top, face up. Hide the underneath cards. Don’t switch cards in the stacks.
Objective: Be first to get rid of your reserve stockpile.
Skip-Bo: These are wild cards and can be used any time as any card, including as a #1 starter.
Reserve Piles and Hands: You can play from reserves and hands directly to the center build piles at any time.
Stacks (Leading From): (a) Play top helper cards, but only if they help you lead up to, and include your top reserve card. (b) Announce “building to x" – your reserve card's value. (c) Only when option #1 is in play, alternate between piles, i.e. you cannot repeat from one stack without first going to another one.
Blocking: Option #2 allows an exception to the alternate rule. Suppose an opponent is nearly going out and you don’t have a playable card in your hand to block her. If you have a playable card on a stack you may say "Blocking M's move" (mentioning M's name) and play it instead as your turn (without it leading up to your reserve card as it normally would). For instance, if Mary has very few cards left, and a playable 8 is showing on her reserve pile, you can say "blocking Mary's move" and play an 8 from the top of a stack.
Example of leading up to the 10 on the Reserve Pile:
Note: The 2-up build pile shown here below the stacks, would normally be in the center of the table. The cards are colored but this has no significance in the game. The 10-up pile is the reserve stockpile.
(a) In actual play only the top stack cards would be visible. Note that these cards are shown stacked sequentially in alternate piles to illustrate how a player could cater to option #1.
(b) Announce “building to 10”. Play a 3 or Skip-Bo from your hand (not shown) onto the 2 on the build pile, and then play the 4,5,6,7,8,9. This eliminates a stack – no problem!
(c) Now play your 10. Say you turn up an 8. If you can’t lay it off, discard a hand card to any one of your four stacks.
(d) You couldn’t follow with the 11 and 12 that are left in the stacks, unless you could lead up to your new 8 – a long reach!
(e) Exception: Suppose you had turned up a 1 or a Skip-Bo instead of the 8 that you did turn up.
(f) 10,11,12,12 were left in your stacks. Say "Building to 1" which is now on top of your reserve pile.
(g) Play 11,12 on a build pile containing a 10, remove that pile, and lay down the 1 or Skip-Bo from your reserve pile. Turn up another card and continue if possible, otherwise discard one from your hand to a stack.
Notes: (1) Draw too many cards: If you looked at their face values, put the extras under your stockpile, otherwise replace them in the deck. (2) Out of cards: Take 5 more unless you discarded your last card to one to your stacks. That ended your turn, so wait till the next round.
Scoring: Official Skip-Bo: Winner counts 25, plus 5 for each card left in all the other reserve piles; first to get 500, or whoever has highest score, wins. Easy Alternative: Players count how many cards remain in their reserve piles when someone goes out. Lowest score after a series of games wins.